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Post news RSS Army Men III Postponed for the Time Being

Army Men III is postponed and we are focusing on Army Men Online for the time being as well as working on a new game and updating our team's YouTube page for tutorials with game dev.

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Greetings folks! Lord Iheanacho here!

I've uploaded a video today explaining what is to come from us, including Army Men III's true status (no, it's not really dead), and future plans of Neotl Empire and it's YouTube channel. You can watch it below.

To summarize, Army Men III is postponed and we are focusing on Army Men Online from now on. However for now, Army Men Extended as a whole is on hiatus as well until we can settle the copyright issue once and for all. The reason behind this is because we can't distribute the game effectively without it. A C&D letter is one thing (barely an issue for our case), but we can't get the game distributed on platforms like Steam Greenlight or possibly even the 8th gen consoles.

So our new goal right now is to start small; I am working on a new indie game.

Can't announce the title yet as trademark is still a concern and a process I need to complete, as well as register my team as a company brand. Given the short scope of it, I will work on this game entirely alone (it's what I know best after all).

I also want to use our YouTube channel as a basis for tutorials in game dev and perhaps other endeavors such as music composition, art, and animation. This is something I already planned years ago when UDK was popular, however I lacked the time to do it and now I missed the spotlight for UDK as it's community is now a ghost town since UE4 became free. Now that I am done with college, I finally have the chance to get started. My tutorials will not be limited to Unreal Engine 4 however. I want to expand to other engines as well. I've invested some time with Unity & LumberYard lately and I am amazed to what has come with the engines, and I am eager to give Source 2 a try upon it's release. Speaking of Source, I will also go back to using Source Engine in the meantime and even give Source Filmmaker a try.

That's all for now, Lord Iheanacho signing off.

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Neotl Empire

Executor-64- - - 1,288 comments

you speak of a very ambitious process i hope you are aware of your limits :P
good luck

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PlanMan - - 126 comments

Any relation to that game, "The Mean Greens"?

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