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Post feature Report RSS Editors' Choice: Best Upcoming Mod

ModDB staff cut through the hype and deliver the most promising mods that are still in development.

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Best Upcoming Mod

Every year, hundreds upon hundreds of mods are born—and die—on ModDB. Many barely limp out the gates, while others are die faster than their leaders can type, "I need a team!1!" But every once in while you come across a profile that shows some promise. A flash of color in their media gallery that instantly conveys a glimmer of hope. Something more than the dull greys of half-finished, untextured models or hastily scribbled level blueprints. More than a trailer that just shows off a logo. I'm talking about honest-to-goodness in-game footage—because nothing cuts through the hype more than showing your mod for what it is. The mods nominated for this category all have concrete proof of significant progress in development and will probably see some form of release in 2009.



Half-Life 2

Curse wrote: An episode 2 / Orange Box total conversion. Explore an egyptian necropolis, kill mummies and monsters with a morning star.

Curse Screens Curse Screens Curse total conversion - ingame screenshot 0013


Cry of Fear


Team_Psykskallar wrote: You wake up in a dark alley, not knowing anything. What has happened anyway? You struggle after the truth and answers. Answers you want to know in the darkness and fear, which makes your heartbeat race like violent blows against your head. Where do "they" come from? What has happened? Are you just turning insane? The time is up; you can't stay there reading your smses forever. It's time to head out and find the answers. Cry of Fear is a singleplayer modification of Half-Life 1 which brings you the horror you've always been afraid of.


Lightspire: Fortune's Web


Lukewarm_Media wrote: In the game, there are four different heroes, who each have their own background and involvement in the world of Lightspire. The most dominant force in the game world is the dragon elves. They are a dictatorship due to their immense army, and control of vast amounts of land and resources. The first hero - the Dragon Lancer - his story stems from them. As described in the Game World Synopsis, the elves and dragons were involved in a great war. The elves only chance of surviving and avoiding extinction would be to use magic against magic. The elves created a weapon to absorb any magical powers dragons might have had, which resulted in the rapid "de-evolution" of the dragons, and a ‘revolution' of the elves physical traits, including increased strength, vision, and the ability to live even longer than before. The remaining dragons were enslaved, to the point where dragon's mental acuity was vastly inferior to any of the elves.

Holiday Update Sneak Peak 2 Light Spire: Screen Shots

Nehrim: At Fate's Edge

Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

Arandor wrote: Nehrim is developed by the Sureai Team (www.sureai.de). We have already created two Total Conversions for Morrowind, named Arktwend and Myar Aranath, but unfortunately there never was an English version of them. This time, however, we will develop a full translated english version of the project. That includes translated texts as well as English voice acting. It is impossible to give a sure release date at this moment, however, we aim to finish Nehrim in 2008. We always keep everything within the bounds of possibility and currently make huge progresses in building the countryside, cities, forests and villages of Nehrim. Our aim is to create a fantasy world which is as lively and atmospheric as realisable in the limits of our possiblilities. We primarily develop Nehrim for those players who love RPGs and were disappointed by Oblivion on that score. Nehrim will be a role playing game with elements of action, no action game with elements of role playing games.

The siege of Cahbaet Burning Night Troll In the woods



Space_Cowboys wrote: Petrograd: an action-thriller first person shooter. Enter the shoes of a Black-Ops Special Agent, investigating the disappearance of a full city's population overnight. An eerie atmosphere and immersive environments are just the beginning, nothing is quite what it seems in this suspenseful experience set in post-USSR Eastern Europe.

Petrograd Wallpapers Petrograd Wallpapers Petrograd Wallpapers

Post comment Comments  (0 - 50 of 128)
Ennui - - 419 comments

Woot first comment AND article view :)

These are good choices, I can't settle on one to predict. Good luck to the nominees!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+8 votes
AlCool - - 3,112 comments


Lies you just beat me to post, and no karma for you for your FC spamming nobness.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-70 votes
Ennui - - 419 comments

It's only spamming if I had not said anything other than "first comment", screw your karma :P

Reply Good karma Bad karma+8 votes
AlCool - - 3,112 comments


Its still spamming. Especially when EVERYONE does it. adding an extra sentence makes it no different

Reply Good karma Bad karma-32 votes
bassi - - 125 comments

stop being bitter plez.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+9 votes
AlCool - - 3,112 comments


Ha, bitter I like how I got spammed. I simply stated that EVERY first comment should NOT say "First comment!" in it. They always do, It's always spam, and it shouldn't happen, especially when its stated that one should not do this. Simply saying "First post! GL mods!" still is a spam waste of a post. It's not that complex of an idea to grasp, but your making it one. The main fact of the post is that he posted 6 seconds before I did and with barely an explanation other then to write "First post!" Understand yet?

Reply Good karma Bad karma-28 votes
Dragonlord - - 1,934 comments

Uhm... is this the new record in down-voting? I mean -26? Wow... I think I've never seen less so far :D

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
AlCool - - 3,112 comments


Go to the moddb MOTY awards post stating that air force Canada was their sponsor. Had -50 or less on near half the posts.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-21 votes
AlCool - - 3,112 comments


Air force* I didn't mean Canada Air Force (If it exists XD)

Reply Good karma Bad karma-21 votes
Armageddon104 - - 3,128 comments

Petrograd or Curse... 7 mins. left ^_^

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Armageddon104 - - 3,128 comments

Rock on Curse!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
NotMe! - - 38 comments

Little bit suprised about winner as i expected Petrograd because its got good quility on everything what they have done.

How ever it dosent seems to got even a bit of originality, which is major strenght of Curse.

Both of those are the heart of good mod, originality and good guality. This time it was originality which won the war.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
AlCool - - 3,112 comments

The mods I was hoping would make it here didn't. These are good mods but the only one that really has my interest is CURSE and maybe cry of fear. Lightspire is pretty much gonna be a full game but I don't think it will be out for awhile. Petrograds coming along but I still feel crysis when I see it. At fates edge still ahs a long way to go but is definitely coming along but Oblivion mods in general need a lot of care to seem more like mods then add-ons. All great mods but I expected more and am a bit disappointed. Wheres the UT3 at?

Reply Good karma Bad karma-3 votes
Metafiz Author
Metafiz - - 504 comments

Which unreleased mods for UT3 caught your eye?

Reply Good karma+2 votes
AlCool - - 3,112 comments

IDK just 90% of the upcoming for the MSUC like Renegade X, Warm Gun, Black Sierra, cheeks of steel, UT40k (The Chosen), TO 3, and even some that have released basically unplayable alphas just to give the community a sense of whats coming (Visually wise more then anything) like Angels Fall First:Planetstorm. All incredible mods that alone have probably X10 the sales of UT3 and are revolutionizing the modding world one step at a time. Making mods that don't even resemble the engines they are built from with very high quality work and large teams supporting them.

You know, standard UT3 stuff.

I'm also surprised something like Mech Warrior Living Legends wasn't considered unless it ISN'T considered an upcoming mod (Crysis, like LightSpire)

Reply Good karma Bad karma-2 votes
Metafiz Author
Metafiz - - 504 comments

We actually looked took all those suggestions into account. One thing you'll have to remember is that we factor only media releases from 2008 into our decisions. So while the outcome might be different with the recent media pouring out from some of these mods - they can rest assured that next year will probably see a ton of crysis and ut3 nominations.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
AlCool - - 3,112 comments


A lot of these mods did release more in 2008 then currently. Many of them did more releases specifically for phase 2 but many have been being worked on since the release of the UT3 engine, if not before.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-7 votes
M@ty - - 508 comments

That's if Epic lets us (Renegade X) enter the MSU2 contest :P we're still waiting to hear from them!!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
AlCool - - 3,112 comments

Phase 3 isn't till mid may, but those teams have been in it for years. If your starting now don't expect to be a match for phase 3.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-2 votes
AlCool - - 3,112 comments

Why aren't they letting you again? Or have they not said?

Reply Good karma Bad karma-3 votes
vfn4i83 - - 692 comments

though choice, all good mods, but my vote goes to the "Curse", that one is the most peculiar lately.

Good luck.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Tatsur0 - - 1,068 comments

Wow, really great list. I'm finding it very hard to pick one from any of these :/

I'm really looking forward to Curse the most though. But anyone of these I could see winning.

Looking forward to seeing the pick, good luck.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
sgtmyers88 - - 2,832 comments

Hmm... I am not seeing very many RTS Mods so far... :/
I figured popular RTS Mods like Tiberian Dawn or The Forgotten on C&C3 would be listed here.
A little luv could be given to the RTS genre... XD

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Metafiz Author
Metafiz - - 504 comments

I will be talking about RTS & RPG mods in the MOTY's in this week's modcast. Be sure to tune in for an explanation.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
sgtmyers88 - - 2,832 comments

Ok thanks! I will be watching...

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Ryswick17 - - 416 comments

i must admit, curse looks very promising, although i'm surprised black mesa isn't on this list.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
ausbushman - - 343 comments

Really? I'm not :/

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Draken101 - - 113 comments

Black Mesa gets enough credit as it is, let the other mods get a taste.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
AlCool - - 3,112 comments

It isn't an issue of popular mods can't make it. Its a great mod and highly (and I mean HIGHLY) anticipated by the public. Not seeing it and a few other key mods here has been a big surprise to many people. You can't just shun a mod because its popular.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-4 votes
DuckSauce - - 969 comments

probably late comment by me but I apperently Black Mesa already received Best Upcoming Mod some time before and mods can't receive the same award twice. Although then again I read that for Player's choice, not sure about editor's choice.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
ausbushman - - 343 comments

Carn Curse!

The other mods look great too.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
technoblue - - 70 comments

I will not be surprised to see Curse win after listening to the modcast. However I would love to see CoF win. I don't know anything about the other 3, so I could be wrong :|

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
AlCool - - 3,112 comments

Yeah everyone is so HL and HL2 bias on moddb XD. The others are looking great, so if you got a comp that can run those engines best be waitN' for em.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
cosypeter - - 97 comments

So true.

And, someone down-voted you...

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
AlCool - - 3,112 comments

Someone is spamming because I doubt 30 people looked at mine without commenting and minused karma to me. Barely 30 people even commented in total here. The biasm alone is what is making people bury comments like that. Where are the roots moddb? where are the ROOTS!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
f0rqu3 - - 206 comments

maybe it is because you keep replying to every comment

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
AlCool - - 3,112 comments

I replayed to maybe a quarter MAYBE but prolly not even half that. Just because I make opinions doesn't make someone go abuse the system and get all their friends to join in.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
f0rqu3 - - 206 comments

of course it is not wrong but disturbing for some people

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
CSargeP - - 112 comments

I don't understand how Mechwarrior: Living Legends didn't make it. :/

If I had to pic one of these, I couldn't. They are all tied for second place behind MW:LL for me. Good luck teams!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
Mandarax - - 31 comments

When do Non-FPS/RPG mods start showing up here? :P

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
SimonDenton - - 434 comments

Everyone reckoned Black mesa would be at least nominated for best upcoming mod :p

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
ben72227 - - 144 comments

Wow we made it to the top five! Thanks for all the support guys!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Henley - - 1,973 comments

Guys this is the editors choice not the players choice lol :P

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
AlCool - - 3,112 comments

Best upcoming :P

Reply Good karma Bad karma-3 votes
f0rqu3 - - 206 comments

"Lightspire: Fortune's Web" looks promising

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
JohnBart - - 153 comments

Nice lineup, too bad that we did not make it into the list... :-))

All the entries would deserve to win, but if a winner must be chosen, then I'd pick Curse ;-)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
ammd - - 1,003 comments

wth where is black measa???

Reply Good karma Bad karma-3 votes
Tatsur0 - - 1,068 comments

Guys you have to remember this isn't "Players Choice" but instead "Editors Choice". Expect some variety outside popular HL2 mods and considering that only 1 of the mods listed is your typical FPS (Petrograd and it looks fantastic mind you). Show these developers some respect as each one is deserving of this award.

Honestly before the list was put up I had never even heard of Lightspire or Nehrim but looking at their profiles and content my interest has definitely been peaked. Not everyone can win which means not everyone is going to be satisfied with the nominees nor the winners. As fans and developers yourself, show the respect you'd expect for your own games and mods.

Again for all those listed, I wish you the best of luck and hope to have the time to check out all those listed someday.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+9 votes
INtense! Staff
INtense! - - 4,100 comments

spot on

Reply Good karma+5 votes
AlCool - - 3,112 comments

It's not that people are being disrespectful because yes, these are great mods, but MANY people would have liked to see so much more. With such a small group and when none of them are mods you've been waiting to see often its a little disheartening for the average moddber. I also have to agree a few genres are being given the cold shoulder for these awards.

You'll notice everyone was disappointed not to see a few key mods, kinda says a lot for the 40 thousand people on this site yes?

Reply Good karma Bad karma-4 votes
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