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Interplanetary is a turn-based strategy game for PC, Mac and Linux, featuring both single- and multiplayer modes.

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Interplanetary News Interplanetary News

Interplanetary Released to Steam... (Jeoo 10 years ago)

Forums open!

2 3  
General Discussion General Discussion

Online Matchmaking (nnirvi 9 years ago)

1 5  
Off-Topic Insanity Off-Topic Insanity

Are these the official forums... (Chocomophin 10 years ago)

Your favorite strategy games!


3 8  
Behind the Scenes
GameDev Talk GameDev Talk

Alpha builds and Steam Greenlight (Jeoo 10 years ago)

Planned Feature List?

Official Alpha talk

4 11  
Suggestions Suggestions

Sci Fi Hardness (Detrus 9 years ago)


Multiplayer vs Computer

9 23