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Post feature Report RSS Human Factions

Some details on each of the human factions. Let me know what you think. Are there any factions you'd rather join over another? Any that I've not included that you think would make for a good story? I want to include the community in my design decisions, so please feel free to provide feedback.

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Some details on each of the human factions. Let me know what you think. Are there any factions you'd rather join over another? Any that I've not included that you think would make for a good story? I want to include the community in my design decisions, so please feel free to provide feedback.

Human Factions:

• Dominion
The Dominions are all about power, and control. They want to lead with an iron fist and control everyone's thoughts and freedoms. Anyone who doesn’t succumb to their rules might as well be dead and they have no problem making that so.

• Church
The Church wants to force their beliefs on everyone, and persecute those who don’t follow. They’ll use scare tactics to gain followers, and kill in their gods name. Everything they do is in the name of their lord.

• Tranquility
The Tranquility faction is all about peace and harmony. They hate that no one is getting along and want everyone to be brothers and sisters. They live in the moment and aren’t hung up on rules or regulations. They live off the land and will only fight when forced to. They’ll protect themselves and anyone who is kind to them.

• Unity
The Unity is ♥♥♥♥♥♥ that humanity has crumbled and that the factions aren’t unified. They don’t mind everyone having different beliefs, ideals or values. However they want everyone united under a single governing body and will stop at nothing to see humanity reunited as a single dominate force in the galaxy.

• Philistine
This Philistine blame all alien races for the fall of humanity and would like to see them all exterminated. They won’t tolerate Aliens in any of their systems nor will they tolerate other humans who befriend any alien races.

• Peace Keepers
The Peace Keepers aren’t worried about reuniting humanity, but they don’t want to see humanity fighting among themselves or with other alien races. They want to be the diplomats who keep everyone from fighting, but when forced to will bring down an iron fist of fierce and talented starship pilots to put factions in their place and prevent further blood shed.

• Explorers
Explorers thirst for technology and wealth. Now that humanity has learned of alien races they know there’s a lot of wealth to be had accumulating and selling technology. They’re scavenging the galaxy for any new tech and relics they can find to sell it for profit.

• Scientists
Scientists were appalled to learn how immature their thinking and knowledge really was before the alien presence became known. Now their mission is to make humanity the most advanced species in the galaxy and they’ll stop and nothing to see it happen. They’re using alien technology to alter humanities dna to make them stronger, faster, smarter than ever before.

• Mercenaries
The Mercs are formidable fighters trained in combat, but now without a homeworld to protect they’re offering their services to whoever will hire them. Once hired they’re committed and loyal, but don’t double cross them or they’ll quickly put an end to your contract, and you’ll usually pay with your life.

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