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The year is 2423. It’s been 355 years since the end of the great war on Earth. Humanity nearly decimated itself, but in the end learned to live in peace with each other. The world was rebuilt a vibrant technological civilization. With all its resources pooled, humanity entered into space, beyond simply launching another satellite into space, mankind learned how to colonize space, creating outposts on the moon and mars. These were exciting times.

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The year is 2423. It’s been 355 years since the end of the great war on Earth. Humanity nearly decimated itself, but in the end learned to live in peace with each other. The world was rebuilt a vibrant technological civilization. With all its resources pooled, humanity entered into space, beyond simply launching another satellite into space, mankind learned how to colonize space, creating outposts on the moon and mars. These were exciting times.

Out of nowhere an armada of unknown spacecraft descended on Earth and began a wake of destruction the likes never experienced beyond the stories of the great war and nuclear destruction and fallout. Humanity had never encountered an alien race before and struggled on how to react. A great war lasting nearly 5 years against the alien encounter brought earth back to the brink of destruction. Only, this time instead of uniting humanity it tore them apart. Unable to agree on religious implications, whether to surrender, combat tactics, and more drove humanity to form new factions, and deal with the problem in their own ways.

With Earth devastated, its inhabitants would have been nearly wiped out, if not for a few rebels who managed to stowaway on an alien ship and miraculously change the tied. The rebels were able to sneak aboard and sabotage an alien mothership. The explosion was so devastating that a remote listening post across the galaxy picked up the explosion and deployed scouts to investigate.

The scout ship was from a federation alliance outpost, and quickly reported on the devastation of Earth. They indicated the attacks were from an old alliance enemy, the Zacnoids. Earth was too young a colony by their standards to bring into the federation. The federation were peacekeepers and they’d banned the Zacnoids from the galaxy many millennium ago. The federation retaliated and war ensued for another 45 years. During the conflict Earth was introduced to the federation and learned all about their technological advancements. Humanity joined the fight and the alliance quickly learned that Earth was more than ready to join them. The reflexes and senses of some of the Earth pilots was unlike anything seen, able to maneuver and kill in dogfights even out flying drones and gun turrets. This tilted the balance in favor of the federation and helped with the last conflict against the Zacnoids.

In a desperate attempt to catch the federation off guard the Zacnoids attempted to plant a virus in the federation jump gates. These gates were used for rapid travel across the galaxy. The Zacnoids attempted to trap the federation and ambush them, but the virus didn’t work and instead destroyed nearly all the active gates. The gates shut down and became inoperative even for the Zacnoids. In doing so, the Zacnoids had no way to bring in reinforcements as they originally planned, nor could they retreat and were instead defeated in this final battle. It’s believed that there are still Zacnoids out there, but were unable to join the fight.

The federation had a handful of gates that were offline for maintenance at the time of the battle, and were therefore not infected with the virus. However, with just a few gates remaining, the federation was unable to return to their original home world. After some time, a large convoy of federation and most of the remaining human inhabitants set forth on a long journey to return to the Peace Keepers homeworld and rebuild what they’d lost.

Many humans either unable or willing to join the convoy stayed behind and separated into different factions. Some wanted power, and control. Some wanted a religious dominance. Some wanted peace and harmony. Some wanted a Unified Earth. Some wanted to exile all alien races. Unable to come to terms the factions split off from one another, using the remaining jump gates as a way to create some distance. During the last 100 years humanity is back to fighting among themselves, each faction trying to survive, and trying to become dominate over the others. Here our story begins.

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