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Post news RSS ZEscape Greenlit on steam!

ZEscape has been greenlit on Steam! Development continues.

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ZEscape was greenlit on Steam Greenlight after 2 weeks into the campaign. It was amazing to recive and see all the positive feedback and interest in the game. It was a very bussy couple of weeks!

Thanks a lot for all your support!


The development since then has continued with full force. A lot of core game mechanics and features has been rewritten from scratch. The new weapon mechanics are a lot more responsive and with much less server and data overhead. New inventory and data server systems are being developed as well as the framework for player character progression along with plenty of new weapons added to the arsenal!

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As more game mechanics gets implemented, focus will begin to shift to level design and graphics content.

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New character progression includes customization items, and enable more variety.

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Experimental gun vendor system, still being prototyped but allows players to change loadout during gameplay.

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Final area from the Temple of Death: Stage II , poses quite the challenge.

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There still remains a lot of balancing and tweaks on The Docks. It might get some additional stages added aswell. Currently it is a "semi beginner friendly" one-stage level.


... and soon the work will continue on some of the boss fights..

Stay tuned with development updates on Twitter and Facebook!


Have a mad day!

R0ADKILL - - 1,204 comments

Congratulations :D

Keep up the good work !

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