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Post news Report RSS March Development Blog

Read our March development blog to find out how current development is progressing.

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Firstly, on to the great news of our team development! I would like to give a huge a welcome to our new programmer, Dan, who joined earlier this week to help Chris and Andy out with those meddlin' AI! As you may have noticed, all but one of the teasers so far have simply been artwork and one of the reasons for this is purely because the zombie AI are pretty useless at the moment! As they are only a placeholder, we've agreed to finally get some major work done on them for our next test period. Which should hopefully mean a new and interesting teaser this time round!We also have the foundations in for our new Design Team, and are working on getting a few people on board who we believe have shown enthusiasm, maturity and enough knowledge to become part of the development team here at Arrowhead Games. You see, we developers keep a very close eye on the community to see who we can bring on to help. A helpful tip to anybody wanting to join the team in any way - Keep active and keep mature!Which brings me onto my next point! RECRUITMENT! We would very much like more potential developers to join the team and help bring ZDay to life. If you have skills or knowledge in modelling, programming or general game development... then we want to hear from you! Drop me an email using the CONTACT US form on the main website if you are interested, explaining why and what skills you possess. This also leads me onto ADVERTISING! And this is where you can all chip in and help out ZDay. Obviously the way to attract more developers is to get them here in the first place, and that means spreading the word about ZDay. Inform any communities you belong to about us and post the link about. Of course, stick to the rules of the community and don't spam / copy & paste the same messages everywhere. With your help, we can easily reach more than 3000 members in the next month. You are welcome to use any screenshots you have found on the MEDIA -> SCREENSHOTS page on the main site. You may also use some found on these forums, but make sure they are relatively new! I'd be surprised if anybody could beat our current best advertisers - A few fan videos on YouTube.
Right, onto actual development now! Things are going steady here, with JBaird doing an EXCELLENT job since taking over the Artistic department a few weeks ago. We have a whole batch of models created by the ever hardworking modelling team. I hope to release some more screenshots of their progress very shortly.
I'd just like to take this opportunity to thank the whole team in everything they have done so far on the current build. Jacob, Andy, Chris, Tony, Steve & the rest of the team deserve a huge round of applause and thanks on their current work!On behalf of everyone here at ZDay & Arrowhead Games,

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