Greetings indieDB community !
Welcome to our very first devblog.
Expired Meat is a roguelike inspired game where you play as a butcher, your kitchen is attacked by zombies and you must fight waves of them in order to protect yourself and your kitchen, when the waves are over you can then collect the meat from the zombies you've killed and prepare it to be sold to your customers, be wary that if you attack the zombies too many times the meat will get too sliced and unable to be prepared. Use the money from your sales to aquire better equipment and continue your business !
For the kitchen we chose a more commercial and open design, as you will need space to face your undead foes and be effective with your cooking skills.
Like the kitchen, the chef is as professional as it can be ! This distinguished gentleman has years of meat cutting skills under his belt and won't hesitate in tearing any meat apart, whether it is live, dead or... undead...
For the Zombies we are going for a classic design, green skinned with clothes and some flesh ripped open walking brain consumers, this mindless beings alone do not oppose much of a threat but when in large numbers they can be deadly and invade as well as consume everyone they come across until it turns into one of them.
Lastly but definitly not least, our UI and menu moodboard, we decided to go for a simplistic yet intuitive UI, with elements that reflect the general idea of the game and don't take alot of space in the screen.
This week we focused on gathering and discussing ideas for the game, as well as starting off the game design choices that will come up in the next devblogs.
Thank you so much for your attention and until next week !