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Expired meat is a 2D, singleplayer, roguelike horror game where the player takes the role of a butcher and defends his kitchen from invading waves of zombies.

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Greetings once again indiedb !

Welcome to our new devblog, we're happpy to announce that our latest patch is now available on itch.io, feature a new zombie variant, new UI and a new mechanic !

New Trailer

We have made a new trailer for Expired Meat, it is available now on youtube !

Trailer Link


New Itch.io page

We've done some improvements in our itch.io game page, go there and check it out !

Itch.io Page



That's it for this week everyone

Thank you so much for following us through this journey and we'll hopefully see you all very soon !


Expired Meat Devblog #22 Visual Improvements #2

Expired Meat Devblog #22 Visual Improvements #2


In this devblog we continue to showcase our progress with the overall art of the game.

Expired Meat Devblog #21 Visual Improvements

Expired Meat Devblog #21 Visual Improvements


In this devblog we showcase the improvements being done to the games visuals !

Expired Meat Devblog #19 Game Release

Expired Meat Devblog #19 Game Release


This is a short devblog to announce the release of Expired Meat on itch.io

Expired Meat Devblog #18 Reaching the end

Expired Meat Devblog #18 Reaching the end


In this deblog we showcase the last finnishing touches of our project

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