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Post news RSS BallystiX - first visual improvements and assets

Hello everyone, we made the first improvements to the graphics of the game, with the first provisional assets, without sound.

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Hello everyone,
we made the first improvements to the graphics of the game, with the first provisional assets, without sound.

These objects were created for the first campaign of the game, the simplest.

Campaign 1: Legacy systems

The adventure of the small anti-virus begins from the simplest systems, Legacy systems, the easiest systems to be disabled because constructed in a simple manner.
Our hero will have to fight enemies (for now not very smart) and fixed obstacles (not lethal hardware), to turn off the memory cells infected with the catastrophic virus.

Enemies are active processes of the virus, which will be destroyed by a powerful electric shock, the standard gun.

Every time you kill an enemy, appear bonuses of all kinds to collect.


BallystiX first visual improvements

BallystiX first visual improvements

BallystiX first visual improvements

BallystiX first visual improvements

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