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A voxel based adventure and RPG. Vox is a highly customizable game where you can create, destroy, edit and build anything you desire. The whole world, every item and object within it, and even the characters and inhabitants of Vox are created using a custom 'Voxel Engine' that allows for an unparalleled level of creativity. Come and explore your imagination!

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Vox v0.40 Update!

News 15 comments

So it has been a long time coming but finally the new update is available to download.

The biggest change to the game is the new HUD/GUI graphics and functionality that should make the game feel totally new and fresh as well as make it easier to understand and more intuative.

The character create screen has also been vastly improved and the ability to modify the scale and offsets of your character parts has been returned:

Create Character Screen for version v0.40

The questing GUI has also been updated to allow you to better see what quests you are currently tracking and also displays any previous quests that you might have completed.

Creative questing. Tundra biome

Here is a list of the full patch notes:

New Features:

  • Fog rendering for far distances.
  • Better biome generation.
  • Better enemy and item spawning.
  • Enemies can spawn in different biomes.
  • Proper 'Alive times' on tombstones.
  • Pulldown menu for particle effects in the creation editor.
  • Add fire status effect to weapons and attacks
  • Enemy sonar shots (purple concentric rings).
  • Bats now fire sonar projectiles as an attack.
  • NPCs attack back enemies that are harassing them.
  • Better trees and scenery for intro.
  • Include seconds on tombstones.
  • Multiplayer Lobby screen.
  • Multiplayer coding - threads and sockets.
  • Multiplayer configuration IP/port/etc added to configuration manager.
  • Add support for UDP as well as TCP communications.
  • Game chat available once joined a multiplayer game from the lobby.
  • Player Idle flag. Dont do same idle animation if we are already idle
  • Online player nameplates.
  • Proper animations used by online players.
  • Block explosions sent over multiplayer.
  • Sending shots across the network in multiplayer.
  • Don't spawn block items on clients.
  • Better fire wand accuracy.
  • Damage and respawning sent over the network.
  • Better creating and freeing of OnlinePlayer class data.
  • Better respawn handling for players joining an existing game.
  • Don't send refresh request to serverlist if we are not in the multiplayer lobby.
  • Add a leave game button to the multiplayer lobby.
  • Better world seeding for multiplayer synch support.
  • Sending game params over multiplayer games.
  • Rendering Online Players on the minimap.
  • Dropped collection blocks are scaled sensibly.
  • Collectable blocks dont stay in the world forever - disappear after a time.
  • Reduce the magic cost of fire wand.
  • Remove combat slow time during jump attacks.
  • Add equip change support for multiplayer.
  • Remove chat textbox focus when we leave the lobby.
  • Allow reset focus functionality on master GUI class.
  • Also add helmet and shoulder items to online players.
  • Add scale and offset to online player body and weapon/item rendering.
  • Send health for online players that have already spawned.
  • Building with world blocks in multiplayer!
  • Spawn block explode particle effects when other online players destroy blocks.
  • Add arrows to multiplayer.
  • Send velocity with shots.
  • Allow clients to update shot velocity.
  • Better player disconnection handling.
  • Handle clients crashing out of a game.
  • Handle server disconnecting from the clients point of view.
  • Scenery objects get dropped when world scenery is destroyed.
  • Scenery creation over multiplayer.
  • Typing into the chat window from within the game.
  • Enter key to start typing a message.
  • Arrows and shots disappear on the client after a delay of no data being sent from host.
  • Add items to multiplayer traffic.
  • Client items created on host when clients drop them from inventory.
  • Send interact presses from online players.
  • Online players HUD display render.
  • Proper scale x,y,z offsets for network sent items.
  • Proper tombstones on clients and hosts.
  • Picking up items on the client during a multiplayer game now works.
  • Sending melee attackings over multiplayer games.
  • Removing items from clients when the host erases them, for whatever reason.
  • Bombs in multiplayer.
  • Dynamic texture support for icons in the GUI - paperdoll.
  • Quest GUI improvements, Rewards, Quest tabs, Quest text.
  • Health up animation as player is respawning.
  • Quest rewards and reward information on quest GUI.
  • Better quest journal. only record the last 5 quests in proper completed order.
  • Castle parts are now made out of stone block types.
  • Proper animation state for using the rocket boots.
  • Underground indestructable blocks at bottom of world.
  • Better shadow rendering, additional simplified meshes for shadows.
  • Mirror mode in creation editor.
  • NPC set type in constructor.
  • Support for idle miner NPCs.
  • Remove item interaction code for NPCs.
  • Arrow buttons for model rotation on the character GUI paperdoll.
  • Smooth player facing rotations, twist and turn when changing direction of movement.
  • Make the create custom character screen use the creation GUI - shared code.
  • Add coins and money display to the new GUI design.
  • Create dropped item from quest reward, if inventory is full.
  • Random ore rotation.
  • Vapid Mask and Indie Beard cameo items added to random loot.
  • Reduce actionbar slots to 6.
  • Remove all transition animations from the HUD.
  • Use proper SSAO rendering for dynamic textures in the HUD - characters, portraits, item icons, etc.
  • SSAO rendering for companion HUD portraits.
  • Items and bombs get affected by blast radiuses.
  • Reset button in the weapon editor.
  • Drag items to the Weapon editor window for quick editing.
  • Allow crafting GUI to be opened from the inventory.
  • Crafting recipes when openeing the crafting GUI from the inventory
  • Better primitive block types for wood, stone, grass, sand, dirt, rock.
  • Cactus blocks.
  • Leaf blocks.
  • Snow blocks.
  • Exploding arrows now make an explosion sound effect when blowing up.
  • Improvements to the create character screen.
  • Better common button icons.
  • Improved GUI and HUD textures and functionality - Offsets and label colour changes.
  • Better popups for select world screen.
  • Confirm/cancel on delete world button.
  • Tutorial and introduction help guide added for new characters.
  • Tutorial prompt added to select world screen.
  • Completed tutorial stat added to player profile.
  • Better world create screen.
  • Different World types - tutorial, story, creative, hardcore.
  • Re-enable depth of field renderer.
  • Allow non-SSAO rendering.
  • Better shadow and SSAO rendering.
  • Vastly improved item library screen, proper scrollbar for items.
  • Move characters directory out of export folder, for better item library functionality.
  • Change terminology for left/right weapons to left/right hands.
  • Sort out proper left and right handedness.
  • Equipment highlight icon shown on paperdoll screen to show where to equip.
  • Equipment highlight also shown from lootGUI.
  • Proper edit and delete background textures.
  • Allow 10 letters for character name, up from 8.
  • Add folder display to the item library.
  • Add folder and up folder icons to item library screen.
  • Faster 'reload' time when placing scenery - allows faster placement of multiple scenery.
  • When crafting items with a full inventory, items get dropped on ground.
  • Remove HUD buttons for inventory, character stats and quest journal.
  • Crafting GUI - improved handling of draggable buttons and button label management.
  • Add crafting bench.
  • New crafting recipes added to all crafting stations.
  • Make sure to remove crafting items before adding to inventory.
  • Better GUI rendering, allow for more depth for GUI Windows!
  • Support for connecting and disconnecting to the server list.
  • Allow multiplayer games to be created and hosted even when not connected to server list.
  • Allow for joining games via direct IP address entered.
  • Open chatGUI when connected to multiplayer games.
  • Chat GUI in the multiplayer lobby screen.
  • Connect To IP window and controls on multiplayer lobby screen.
  • 'Other' window on create character screen for other character params.
  • Reset default button added - Create character screen.
  • Randomzie button added - Create character screen.
  • Presets pulldown added - Create character screen.
  • Increase fidelity of create character sliders.
  • Add snow biome and snow world objects.
  • Better tress and more variety of trees generated.
  • Tree stumps.
  • Better block detection for creation mode - More precision on mouse cursor.
  • Better loading screen - Graphics and progress bar improvements.
  • Remove front-end transition animations.
  • Don't spawn NPCs and quests givers in multiplayer games.
  • Add create game dialog box popup to multiplayer lobby screen.
  • Different game modes and server params when creating multiplayer games.
  • Add gametype and max players to server game param data send.
  • Add the filename textbox to the voxel editor in ItemLibrary.
  • Make new directories if not exists when saving voxel objects.
  • Show the filename textbox if we are using the voxel editor from the item library.
  • New crafting items - Slime jelly, bones, bee wings and bat fangs.
  • Make sure to use shadow shader on frontend graphics.
  • Lots of new audio effects and tidy up lots of sound effects.
  • Player hit sound effects - different for sword skeletons.
  • Better organisation of GUI windows opening and closing.
  • Stop intro music when launching multiplayer games.
  • Use proper character name, or multiplayer name in chat GUI.
  • Clear biome data on game mode changes.
  • Only erase when wing animation has finished on flyign enemies.
  • Max load distance value used in the chunk manager.
  • Better load and draw distance management for chunks.
  • Add max load distance to the options menu.
  • If in multiplayer game return the multiplayer name as the player name.
  • Snow/Tundra scenery flowers and grass.
  • Dont import or export chunk data in multiplayer games.


  • Don't spawn voxel particles if we are not exploding a voxel block.
  • Only allow 3d world text rendering if we are within the camera frustum.
  • Don't display the speech bubble arrow texture if we dont show portraits
  • Remove window focus hack.
  • Also update item manager in front-end.
  • Explosions can NOT spawn items/blocks sometimes.
  • Fix bug on quest GUI closing when having a quest.
  • Fix for creating a ghost when getting killed by a ghost - dont do during iterator update.
  • Add mutex to stop crashes with particle effects and socket close.
  • Remove player hover target code.
  • Make placement blocks sprites larger when held in hands.
  • Fix container event listeners - adding and removing.
  • Only if parsing is successful do we do the JSON processing.
  • Only do JSON processing if root is an object.
  • Split up multiplayer code in serverlist, server and client files.
  • Scenery objects don't use full path anymore for filename.
  • Remove chat window when we unload the multiplayer lobby.
  • Fix creation grid render BUG. Now renders proper grid when modified object.
  • Better configuration file, nicer descriptions in file.
  • Loading / Setup chunk tweaks.
  • Stop items magnet to player if we find out we can no longer pickup the moving item.
  • Fix actionbar bugs.
  • Make sure that action bar items are unloaded when putting in chests.
  • Fix crafting GUI item placement when dragging items to the crafting GUI.
  • Fix speech bubble management - include signposts and tombstones.
  • Set pipecolour functionality for textboxes.
  • Better crafting button interaction, setitng proper vertical index.
  • 3D Text effects use proper game viewport.
  • Allow offset for pressed and also label colour changing when pressed/hover.
  • Allow for stopping label colour changes in buttons. - select character screen.
  • Better world profile deleting.
  • Allow checkbox and options to not change label colour.
  • Fix NPC scale and size, better particle effect on respawning and exploding.
  • Fix for speech bubbles where the last word was not word wrapping properly.
  • Fix for inventory being full when trying to accept a quest that has items to give.
  • Value changed callback on scrollbars.
  • Fix for ore nugget pickups when inventory is full.
  • Fix for picking up dropped items when inventory is full.
  • When clicking on a dropped item when inventory is full, wont trigger magnet and then be suppressed.
  • Fix create button on crafting GUI label offset.
  • Tidyup the multiplayer lobby screen - common chat window used.
  • Make sure to remove the scrollbars from create character screen when we unload.
  • Fix loading progress bar filling up twice.
  • Various fixes for creating files and directories from the voxel editor.
  • Fix some item locking in multiplayer games.
  • Fix for player health respawning above max_health.
  • Skip EXPORT file in item library.
  • Allow Creation GUI to save in custom character creation.
  • Properly setting audio params for children of containers.
  • Quicker intro animation delay when returning to main menu.

That should keep you busy for a while and don't worry, more frequent updates are going to be coming very soon now.

Have fun!

The Prairie Dog Bundle

The Prairie Dog Bundle

News 4 comments

The Prairie Dog Bundle sticks its head out the burrow.

Vox v0.28 is now available!

Vox v0.28 is now available!

News 13 comments

The latest version of Vox is now available both on Desura and also as a new demo version available from IndieDB.

Vox v0.26 is now available on Desura

Vox v0.26 is now available on Desura

News 20 comments

The new update/patch includes head and shoulder items equippable on your characters and also introduces the crafting system.

Vox v0.25

Vox v0.25

News 5 comments

Latest update to Vox adds new content, bug fixes and vastly improved performance. The new update is available to download now.

RSS Files
Vox v0.34

Vox v0.34

Demo 37 comments

Another smaller update adding some new functionality and bugfixes.

Vox v0.33

Vox v0.33

Demo 3 comments

A quick update to the DEMO to include some critical bugfixes.

Vox v0.32

Vox v0.32

Demo 7 comments

New update to the free demo. Lots of cool new features and updates in this version, far too many to list, but some of the highlights include: Map and...

Vox v0.28

Vox v0.28

Demo 23 comments

Major rework of the DEMO build of Vox... includes the latest content and bug fixes to give a much better taste of what the full Desura version includes.

Vox v0.25

Vox v0.25

Demo 14 comments

Much needed performance fixes. No more lagging on chunk loading and setup. Separate 32-bit and 64-bit executables. Support for infinite world sizes. Death...

Vox v0.24

Vox v0.24

Demo 20 comments

Version 0.24 is a smaller update to fix some minor issues, improve performance and generally add a little bit of enhanced combat.

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Sir_N - - 21 comments

This game works poorly on my mid-end computer. I don't even know if i'm issuing lag. Firstly, the full-screen is just really bad, better get a new fullscreen script/system or wtv. Created a character and a world which i spawned on the surface (for god's sake) but then after clicking forward (W) i got teleported down and seems i got stuck into the nature. Whenever i click an item on the inventory it drops (I don't know if it is supposed to happen but if it is, it's just lame.) Whenever I turn the the character (MouseLook) it just skips like hundred pixels. Not going to review the game by any means since it looks like a pretty cool game to play and probably it's my own issues and the game is in early dev stage. Guess this game is going to shine in the future, at least i hope so. Regards.

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Guest - - 699,970 comments

como se instala

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Sir_N - - 21 comments

Não sei se estás a falar espanhol ou portugues, mas admitindo que estejas a falar português, eis como instalar: Vai em "downloads", baixa a ultima versão que aparece clicando. Irá baixar um ficheiro zippado em formato RAR (Se não tens WinRAR, é melhor instalares, vai no google) depois é so extraires a pasta que estiver dentro desse ficheiro para um sitio qualquer.

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jimmarn - - 12 comments

You really should try to get a nice Mountain generator going in the world gen :) I feel it's missing lots of hills, mountains and cliffs

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humankillerz - - 14 comments

ok i got this game on desura.... how do i find the steam key so i can activate it on steam????? does anyone know? please help

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billyspiffyjaw - - 2 comments

I don't know how! :( :'(

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Petrell - - 16 comments

Depends where you bought it. If you bought it directly from Desura you can find it here: Indiedb.com.

If you got it from bundle seller (like Groupees), it's on the bundle sellers site.

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Petrell - - 16 comments

Oh and here's dev's topic about keys in steam forums: Steamcommunity.com

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