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You race your rocket through space lanes against the clock in an effort to save something which is probably important and epic. The rocket is small and easily dodges left and right, accelerating on the other hand is slow, there's no air in space, so there's nothing for the thrusters to push in order to gain momentum, but that also means that when first you have momentum there is no air resistance to slow you down again, and even when you want to slow down, its a slow process.

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R.I.P. Space Tracks

R.I.P. Space Tracks


I apologize, for not posting a comment sooner, however I have decided to close this game project down, it is written in Unity's version of JavaScript...

Website and Space Tracks online

Website and Space Tracks online

News 2 comments

I have already released the alpha as promised, and now its time for the website.

Early alpha on its way

Early alpha on its way


I've decided to release the early alpha before the website

Deadline for the alpha

Deadline for the alpha


First early alpha build to be released some time during July.