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Talking about the mix of 2.5D sidescrolling and 3D exploration.

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It's another Wednesday, so lets talk about perspective!

Miuratale allows players to explore the game in two different ways, the primary gameplay happens in 2.5D where you will talk to merfolk, collect resources, clams, and fight the forces of corruption in intense, fast paced battles.


WIP shot of in-game 2.5D gameplay, the player taking on a tricky reflex trial in order to obtain a gem that can be slotted in the Trident to improve its capabilities in combat.

But we wanted to give the players the experience of exploring underwater, and that means freedom of movement and the ability to swim in all directions, so the world map was made into a fully 3D landscape. From the world map players find new levels, challenges, caves, resource caches, and interact with characters.

Shell City

This gives us the freedom to explore high paced combat in 2.5D while still giving players the ability to immerse themselves in the world. The picture above showcases a WIP of the Shell City, a world map location the players will get to experience in 3D.

We hope you'll enjoy seeing our underwater world from these two perspectives in 2024!

Please consider wish listing us over on Steam : Store.steampowered.com
Keena, and all of the characters in the game were designed by Nemi over on Twitter, you can follow her over here : Twitter.com

Thank you for reading and I'll see you next time!



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