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A survival shooter set in Central Asia after the end of civilization.

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Mod of the Year 2010 Players Choice - Upcoming Modification

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Mod players of the world have spoken, and it seems that Half-Life 2 based mods have cleaned up this category. Considering the number of Half-Life 2 fans and developers, this may come as no surprise to many, but if you aren't one of the millions, push harder to help the mods you love get recognition in 2011. For now, lets acknowledge 2010's most anticipated, because love it or hate it every mod listed here deserves their place, and all promise to provide gamers with something memorable.

To qualify for the top 5, the mod must place higher than it has in previous years and must have had a significant update in 2010. Otherwise an honorable mention is given, which these teams have received:

It seems players this year absolutely love their Half-Life cannons with Opposing Force 2 no exception. Can we expect to see the continuation of Adrian Shephards story in 2011?
Is any explanation required? Without a SHADOW of a doubt, Black Mesa is the most hotly anticipated mod we have ever seen. The team may not update often, but when they do they stir up a frenzy and there is little doubt why. 2010 saw no release maybe just maybe 2011?
Just missing out placing again this year Stargate - Empire at War: Pegasus Chronicles has been on peoples mod wishlist for quite some time now. Will 2011 see a release? Or will they be up for another unreleased nomination?

5Ivan's Secrets
is a singleplayer total conversion, focusing on horror, tactical shooting and exploration.It is set in the Aral Sea, now a dried up desert and features realistic and accurate locations. The player takes on the role of an investigative agent, sent into locate an aircraft that went missing 1 year before hand.

4Cry of Fear
is a singleplayer modification of total conversion Half-Life which brings you the horror you've always been afraid of. It's all made exclusively by the developers. It also uses new gaming styles that you will rarely find in Half-Life mods, such as advanced cutscenes and other stuff that will be revealed at a later date.

3Operation Black Mesa
is a total Source remake of Half Life: Opposing Force. Opposing Force is still an amazing game, although its not nearly as amazing as it was when it was released. Using the Source engine, the developers plan to recreate the Black Mesa research Facility as it was seen by Corporal Adrian Shephard of the H.E.C.U.

2Dear Esther
is an award-winning, critically acclaimed, experimental first-person game. Built in the Source engine, it abandons traditional gameplay, leaving only a rich world soaked in atmosphere, and an abstract, poetic story to explore. Dear Esther was originally launched in 2008 and is currently being rebuilt by Robert Briscoe.

1Project Reality: ArmA 2
will exist as a standalone modification. It will remain self contained, self developing and not rely on or use externally held add-ons from other sources where at all possible. What that means to the player is that it will be a 'one stop shop' as an installation package, with no requirement for additional multiple add on packs.

Post comment Comments  (0 - 50 of 65)
Wulfburk12 - - 1,886 comments


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dunehunter - - 2 comments


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Acilius - - 241 comments

Yea baby!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Hakello - - 2 comments

PR all the way

Reply Good karma Bad karma-3 votes
HL-Rul3z - - 892 comments


is this an update?

Reply Good karma Bad karma-77 votes
Elephant454 - - 30 comments


LOL! -44. :3 Everyone sure hates that comment.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-17 votes
VitorHunter - - 691 comments


now -58 O.0

Reply Good karma Bad karma-12 votes
DazJW - - 237 comments

Good to see something other than an FPS in the list. Dear Esther was great and the updated version is looking to be outstanding.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
Dremth - - 1,400 comments

Yay CoF

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
Heaney - - 961 comments

Not *twitch* even *twitch* a *twitch* mention *twitch* ?

Meh, there's always next year.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
medve - - 1,475 comments

this time the modification will be so realitstic, u gonna die in real life if u get shot

Reply Good karma Bad karma+6 votes
Alex626 - - 641 comments

Oh, now developers will delay the release until next year's awards to become mod of the year ? Really, when is release?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
SaintDaveUK - - 1,040 comments

They can release in January and still qualify for MOTY.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Jokerme - - 1,170 comments

Sucks. A mod with 259 followers wins because there is no competition on ArmA 2 modding scene. Dear Esther loses because of other good mods on HL2.

But no can do of course, it's hard to create a completely fair competition.

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[R-MOD]Jigsaw - - 2 comments

Thing with that idea is that those are just followers on ModDB, which means virtually nothing ;)

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Jokerme - - 1,170 comments

Yes, it means something. It means all ArmA 2 players voted for this mod even if they they don't like it for the sake of ArmA 2. Am I wrong?

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MaxBoZ - - 3 comments

You are.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
[R-MOD]Jigsaw - - 2 comments

Indeed you are, Project Reality received a lot of bad press from the ArmA 2 playerbase on the BIS forums when it was announced that it would be standalone and not compatible with other mods.

The drama was unbelievable tbh. So no, not all ArmA 2 players will have voted for PR.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Jokerme - - 1,170 comments

PR community? I guess you have no idea how many HL2 mods are there and how many people are following them.

Just because a game is widely used shouldn't effect the winner is all I'm saying. But that's unavoidable since ArmA is not for everyone and its fans are mostly hardcore.

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MaxBoZ - - 3 comments

To be fair it doesn't really matter because all of this, these awards are about who gets the most votes. and if the half life mods can't advertise well enough.. It's their problem. You can't just say that it's unfair just because a mod you like isn't in there.

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AnimalMotherUK - - 71 comments

nah it means the members of the current PR community who are excited and anticipating the A2 version but don't generally come on moddb voted.

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Draakon - - 18 comments

That's what advertising is all about.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Klon116 - - 721 comments

Damn we didnt made it this year again...but maybe next year with a release of Stargate - Empire at War: Pegasus Chronicles :)

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icer - - 484 comments

atleast you where honorably mentioned

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Klon116 - - 721 comments

Yes this is pretty cool!
We are really pleased about this :)

Thanks Moddb Team!

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menter - - 1,226 comments

Thanks for the honorable mention! We also want to thank you for all the support and suggestions, and our fan community has been keeping us alive for all these years! Keep tuned for our demo next month!

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Revo1uzzer - - 347 comments


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cW#Ravenblood - - 6,703 comments

Nice choice, players have spoken. ;)
Anyway, there are so awesome mods out there, here we have 5, maybe the 5 best mods. So you can see (again) what modders can do.
They can make a game better than it was originaly (imo Arma 2). Nice work.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Tatsur0 - - 1,068 comments

Like always I watch the video before scrolling down to see the actual winner. Got to #2 and saw Dear Esther and found myself a bit confused but was not at all surprised to see Project Reality up there once again. Congrats too all the top 5 and keep modding alive!

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RocketSurgery - - 183 comments

Cry of Fear looks great

as does dear esther

off limits is missing from the list imo

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
Nikslg - - 59 comments

wtf?! Half Life 2 mods?!
I think Earth Special Force is missing there...

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Mkilbride - - 2,785 comments

Cry of Fear & Dear Esther, wunderbar!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+6 votes
robofork - - 752 comments

Cry of fear ftw

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
Ahysates - - 4 comments


Boring FPSs everywhere.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-20 votes
Spec_Operator - - 13 comments

If you think PR's an FPS like CoD, you might be mistaken. It is a completely different story. The difference between one FPS and another can be larger than the difference between a roleplaying game and a strategy game.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+9 votes
SteveZombie - - 3,730 comments

Because being an FPS makes a game boring, right?

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Simmons - - 86 comments

how did black mesa source get the top upcoming mod if its been in "development" for almost 6 years?

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Mkilbride - - 2,785 comments

It didn't; it got an honorable mention.

And Simmons, be careful. People take BMS very seriously, it's the #1 most anticipated mod of all time if you look at the stats(500,000 views on the 2009 trailer within half a day!)

They're working on it, but it's alot harder than these MP only mods. They have to redo a 12 hour SP experience with great detail and be careful about it, less they disappoint the fans.

When doing a MP, all you have to do is get the maps, guns, sounds, ect, you have a lot less to worry about; not insulting MP only mods, just saying alot more care has to go into SP ones.

The Nameless Mod was in development for 7 years, and was released to critical acclaim.

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Draakon - - 18 comments

Both SP and MP require the same care. It's just not putting in the stuff, it's about making them fit, fine tuning and so on.

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The_Integral - - 217 comments

They're different, but singleplayer requires vastly more mapping work, and depending on the engine it can require a lot of work to get functional AI. Of course, a well balanced and deep multiplayer game can take just as long, but to simply get the game to a playable level singleplayer is probably more difficult.

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Draakon - - 18 comments

If anything requires more, then that's Multiplayer. Why? It's quite simple actually. In Singleplayer, you have to worry about one player playing it. In Multiplayer, you have to worry about multiple ones. That means, the developers have to think many possibility on what can happen in a MP session, where in Singleplayer, it's just one course. Models, textures, levels, weapons and such, they require the same care. They have to look good, they have to be balanced and have a good performance as well. No matter if it's SP or MP. Testing in MP requires more as well. In SP, testers usually know what's gonna happen in a given point, so it's easier to just to get to that even and see if it works right. But in MP, testers have to test many possibilities. Like, what happens if I try to drive over there? Or here? Or shoot there? Or do something else? In SP, it's easier in this case.

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azultain1999 - - 1,445 comments

wha they don't have No More Room In Hell, really bad newz for me

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Mkilbride - - 2,785 comments

Well, les be honest, NMRiH isn't that well known.

For those that did know it; most left as it took way to long to release

Those that are left...are very few...and it's not advertised much. I can't wait myself, but still.

The Rising didn't make the list.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
azultain1999 - - 1,445 comments

yeah i forget the rising too :/

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iSJR - - 8 comments

Congratz to all the mods mentioned here and to the devs behind these mods, exceptional people! Congratz for Arma 2: PR for a well deserved victory, that game will set a new standard. Now, we PR fans pray for Bf2:PR to make it in the top 2010 Mods.

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mAngOOn - - 12 comments


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uhomotho - - 32 comments

Reality Studios is awesome

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2Slick4U - - 8 comments

From the entire Reality Studios team, THANK YOU everyone for selecting Project Reality: ArmA2 as the Mod of the Year 2010 Players Choice - Upcoming Modification.

We truly appreciate all the hard work the ModDB.com staff have put into this years MOTY's and are forever indebted for all the support we have received from both them and the entire gaming community over the past 6 years.

You guys rock!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+6 votes
Nuvendil - - 924 comments

Well, I am a little dissapointed that MERP didn't even make the top 5, but I really suppose it is to be expected given the early state of our development (beautiful landscapes and an ambitious vission will only take you so far in a competition with mods that are nearing the end of development or have more "playable" content). I was personally excited that we reached the Top 100 this year. Oh well, I am sure we will have more success in the future.

But at any rate, congratulations to the winner! All the mods in this list are impressive that much can't be denied even if they aren't my cup of tea.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
RockRebel - - 965 comments

I'm exited for all of these mods !

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