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Have a good computer (powerful, most) I want to see some good mods please. To the Freakness, Dec1234 and Fugitmdup - you two are most kind, thank you for your responses in mine. Please understand my English is not as full as yours - I am using dictionary in Firefox to help (bless Firefox).

Comment History  (0 - 30 of 34)
Ma_Loon - - 34 comments @ The Mortewood Plaza- Co-op Powerups!

Thank you for reply Dec.

I know it was a silly idea, would add no gravitas to your already hilarious power up list.

The list is brilliant though, although I do ask as to what your dislike towards IE? I use Firefox, but I do not understand hatred towards IE? Which is the best browsers?

Peace be with you Dec.

Good karma+1 vote
Ma_Loon - - 34 comments @ Ma_Loon

Dear Potteh.

You sound tired, please rest brother.

And I ask you to read everything once more, so as to awaken from your self-induced aggressive slumber.


Good karma+1 vote
Ma_Loon - - 34 comments @ The Mortewood Plaza- Co-op Powerups!

Dear Dec,

This is looking every bit more impressive, I am truly looking forward to eventually playing when it is done - please take your time as you have thought of every entertaining thing we all want to play!

May I ask if you could consider 'Dance' mode and implications?
Where all the enemies have a dance on the spot for set time, while music plays?

May peace be upon you.

Good karma+1 vote
Ma_Loon - - 34 comments @ Orchestral music for Star Wars: The New Era

Dear David Fang and Darth.Hunter,

I am truly impressed by your overall polish added to this rich universe, the music is very impressive.
Many blessings of luck to you all in the creation of this amazing conversion.

Peace unto you all.

Good karma+1 vote
Ma_Loon - - 34 comments @ Ma_Loon

Your wish will be accepted brother, I am ashamed that you not want to be my friend as we have been through so much together.
I take no puns on religion, but until you read all the historical and factual information about great religions, then you really have nothing to say, brother.
Please do not spout your apparent wisdom of Islam here, for it is from your tainted media and popular cultural point of view - and I understand and respect this.
And do you really think I want to upset you? Dear brother, I feel for you if your induced state expects this negative feeling, but I do not do such unneeded things.
And I see no racism apart from your brash comment which was a racial slur, mine a popular youth stereotype.

"People on here or any where don't want your religion crap driven down their throats all the time."

And I have never asked for you to take Shahada on here, have I?
Not once have I forced my Faith on anyone, just shown respect in the way my culture does. And if you are too naive to see this, then I feel sorry that you have been conditioned to commune so frequently with disrespectful and immature people on the internet.

And as to your friends in real life, then they probably have the same viewpoint as you, the one that I mentioned.
I feel sorry that you think all Muslims are this way, and you know not, obviously of the extremist Christians that commit horrible crimes.

Every faith has tyrants, and it is these tyrants' evil doings that will forever be remembered in examples over the peaceful existence of many, but the truthful hearts stay true throughout these dark days.

Another day, brother.

Peace unto you.

Good karma+1 vote
Ma_Loon - - 34 comments @ Far Cry 2

No brother, for violence in real life is a problem.

In computer games, it is not.

Surely you should know this.

May the sun bless your days.

Good karma+1 vote
Ma_Loon - - 34 comments @ Ma_Loon

Sorry for late reply friend, was on college trip.

Well I am sorry then, friend, you clearly have little understanding, not none. Why do argue when completely overlooking arguments replies and areas as a whole, and keep focussing on one reference?
This is why this is a vague argument.
Do not forget, this all stemmed from your hostility in the first place.
Jumping on bandwagon? Friend, I know not what you are talking about. And now you're threatening me? (I now understand your method of ending on a question to evoke 'talking down', you use it to good effect, but too much)
This is actually an upsetting situation. Your online persona has truly taken a life of its own and will do all it can to remain face. And again we talk about a racist remark, but it was actually you who made a racist slur and I an ill timed stereotype of youth.
Here, I am experiencing every person on the internet who discovers what faith I am. And you said you were clever? I feel sorry for one who has so little understanding of my Faith. Your view is understandable, but you mustn't forget that Christianity and Hinduism are - as we speak - committing atrocious crimes - but you do not hear of them. There are extremists in every faith and I understand this.
As for your friends, I presume they are nice people who don't overly care about their perception online, as you do so vehemently. Like I said earlier on brother, we are the same character but polar opposite.
And if you want to discriminate against me, a Muslim on the internet for being polite and standing up for morals that are lacking in our world, then you are no better than the people who you seem so fundamentally driven to expel.

And all of the guns have been removed in my town after the treaty. As have the ammo.

Peace unto your soul PottehUK.

Good karma+1 vote
Ma_Loon - - 34 comments @ Ma_Loon

Well, you are truly the ever observant, friend.

If you consider the quoted quote a valid example for racist evidence from your own mouth, then I do fear you do not know the history of racism is, or even means. Your deliberate neglect and highly selective method of my prior reply as to quote meaningful source to amplify your 'trump cards' is transparent. And your curious attempts at reversing racist claims are reverted once more with the tea quote.
You are truly a confused man in morals and ethics, please advance as to not be so blinded by self rightous victory attained blind from internet arguements.
You have know idea what racism is, and how I encounter when I studied in Engalnd.
So please refrain from your mighty knowledge of what strange 'internet' racism is.
Friend, I do not 'hate' when called out (I feel that this phrase 'called out' is your gambit?), for I am simply responding to a racial slur, derived from your hostile nature. This is what plagues our world so. There is no truth in what you say, and it seems that you have a complex in retaliation.
Then go on to see that you are referring to your 'friends' on internet Moddb and how you acquired them through respect? Well I congratualte you for this. This leads on to you completely re-affirming your negative attitude to certain members on website by isolating me as example of people who shouldn't visit this website? My gosh.
I am sorry if I am not a 'gaming community'.
But I applaud you for being a eloquent warden within this exclusive community that has no place for respectful people.
What a beautiful community.

And you finish on an assumptive slur, as a fitting coup de grace. How befitting of your nature.

Thankyou though, for helping me drastically improve my English, this has been perfect excersise.

Salaam, stay true to your heart PottehUk,


Good karma+1 vote
Ma_Loon - - 34 comments @ Ma_Loon

(I have to do two separate posts for the space is too small to express)

Again, you bring argument back to the fore, explaining that we are NOT the same, when we both EXACTLY do same - only from different perspectives?
Yet you are too clever to see this, no?
Friend, please understand that your unwanted hostility negates your pretty quips. I can understand if you feel you are some kind of 'net vigilante', and if that is your purposeful perception on-line, than so be it.
I imagine you are a meek child in life then? See how perception may create?

How can you pity, when you have no relevant compassion? I feel one as 'clever' as you, friend, may be learned enough to decipher my faith, but I presume your knowledge doesn't stray further than apparent observations, brash grammar and vague ideology, rather than cultural respect and absorption. Please release your pseudo interest in disbanding religion through angst at growing up as a direct attack against conformity. Like I said - I respect Dawkins. He is a man of a faith, be it a faith in no God - he still adheres to beliefs.

And if you feel you shall live by your 'name' on the internet, this further justifies my statements.

Bless you PottehUK,


Good karma+1 vote
Ma_Loon - - 34 comments @ Ma_Loon

Oh, I see.
My gosh, you sir are quite the benevolent man. Not only you pray on your audacious claims and arrogant demeanour, but you act as if you are better than most people? A man with forced respect shall receive no praise from those who are truthful of heart.
I do feel that direct racial stereotype is identifiable with this quote:

"So you're stereotyping me as an American girl who likes grunge musics and is a rebel? That's a racist view, that's like me saying you come from Uganda so you must know your Banana's really well. Not nice now is it?"

A simple view of youth group identifiable in any nation is not a racist vision, where yours DIRECTLY was. I have now lost all respect for you and your arguments, for you are deluded (this will probably create a response against religion, as you are opposite of me).
Do you even know what 'racial stereotyping' is? If only your perception of "racism" as you think were true, there would be lot less trouble in the world. English would up arms at being called 'tea drinkers'? But the entire black community world wide are Ok being called 'banana eaters' - a direct racial slur?
Like I said, I feel sorry for a man who thrives off confrontation and retaliation. Can your life be so scorched as to require this liberation digitally?

Good karma+1 vote
Ma_Loon - - 34 comments @ The Mortewood Plaza

Dear Dec,

I still keep coming to see what further enhances you have created for this mod and cannot wait to be surprised further. The more I see the expectation will grows!

Please continue to make impressive work!



Good karma+1 vote
Ma_Loon - - 34 comments @ PREDATOR - THE HEAT OF THE JUNGLE

I am here having a check to see how Freakness is doing in his mod and all I see is anger.

Please all respect each other, this is unnecessary.

Freakness is working on this alone, which in my eyes is nothing short of highly impressive.

Fawk3s, please respect others hard work.

Peace unto you all.

Good karma+1 vote
Ma_Loon - - 34 comments @ Ma_Loon

Dear PotteUK,

What is your "tool"? Please, I don't understand this.
And you are my friend - I do respect you, as I hope you me.
As to a book - it seems that you believe the internet, which some class as book.

I am stereotyping the teen group - many nation has youth that enjoy rebellious gothic tendencies, some can be interest in devil - England, America, Sweden and German etc. - all have teenagers that follow this ideal.
I am NOT racially stereotyping, as you are - which I find offensive, please apologise PottehUK. I expected more from one such as you.

I will not tell "inbreds" here to stop talking their views, as they are allowed to express, just as you & I are. May their comments be immature, so be it.
This is undeterrable through the myre of internet. You are different, but the same. As am I.

I have read the quote and it applies not to me. I do think you have me confused in certain religion. Dawkins is clever man, but his views differ from mine.
When you live in country that is blessed through its hardships, you life can take flight - I feel sorry for you where you feel you have to question what you have missing.

May your days remain peaceful,


Also, brother what your name? I would want to call you as you are.

Good karma+1 vote
Ma_Loon - - 34 comments @ The Mortewood Plaza - Remote Control Planes!!

Dear Dec,

This is one thing I have always wanted to do in real life - we have not got these at home! But I only play it in a game though... Suppose it just as good even if it means that I have to fly into undead!

Peace unto you and your work.

Good karma+1 vote
Ma_Loon - - 34 comments @ Far Cry 2

I feel sorry for man who thrives off confrontation and retaliation.

Blessing upon your name so as you may grow.

Good karma0 votes
Ma_Loon - - 34 comments @ Ma_Loon

You are my friend, you just not know it.

And what you say "jibber jabber" I have not ever pressed my religion on any one here, you are presuming. And you could not "rip" into my views as you have no idea what I have to live through.

If you read all of your posts, you will see that you do in fact need blessing (not even religious).
It is people like you who create negative among peers. Only with peace will you become who you should be, instead of manly brash sentences in web pages.

And if you want to believe in shaitan instead of the Almighty then you sound to me like a 13 year old American girl who likes grunge musics, rebelling against good parents.
And you are living that moniker perfectly by doing as you are.

Please stop this menace.

Peace unto you PottehUK.

Good karma+1 vote
Ma_Loon - - 34 comments @ The Mortewood Plaza

Please friend,

Understand this website does cater for many an age, not just your own advanced and noble years.
And I am not little girl, I am far from this sight. But you with verbose profanes may calm down, for you act like one.

Please respect others PottehUK, whilst I take walk.


Good karma+2 votes
Ma_Loon - - 34 comments @ The Mortewood Plaza

Thank you for reply Dec,

I am truly impressed by your workmanship - you strive alone and you create such majesty.
If only I could help hand in this creation - but my skills are not of yours.

Thank you once more, peace be upon you.

Good karma+2 votes
Ma_Loon - - 34 comments @ InGame

I am amazed at the creation of dinosaurs here, bless your talents.

Good karma+2 votes
Ma_Loon - - 34 comments @ Ma_Loon

Dear friend,

While you question my code of belief in God (the almighty), you ignore your very own existence. You strive so hard to be noticed and remembered through anger that you forget the true meaning of your role in life.

Please friend, do not spread the anger on this web page - your immature hostility become very contagious in relation to greater community.
Or perhaps you strive so to become known as one who angers for own personal liberation - reflect from your despite of your uncomfort in real life? I am wondering.

Please friend, do not despise and bring others down, we should all be at peace.

Bless you PottehUK.

Good karma+1 vote
Ma_Loon - - 34 comments @ Ma_Loon

Dear 6th, thank you for your reply.
Maybe one day people will see that they are wasting their anger on the computer and should be at peace.

I am pleased that you took time to read my review - I am sorry it isn't very deep.
I do honest to hope that if they make the Far Cry 3, it will be a whole lot better. Did you play on line?

Thank you.

Good karma+1 vote
Ma_Loon - - 34 comments @ The Mortewood Plaza

Please friend, be more respectful to others. May peace be upon your angered mind.

Good karma+1 vote
Ma_Loon - - 34 comments @ The Mortewood Plaza

Dear Dec,

This is the mod that is looking the most exciting - I have seen many on site but I am enthralled by this development.
I am interested to know that it is all develop by you? Many honours upon you.

Good luck and I am looking forward to the completion.

Peace be upon you.

Good karma+3 votes
Ma_Loon - - 34 comments @ MP Gameplay Concept - Search and Rescue

Fug I am very happy to see this in idea, it sounds most exciting, very different than Counter Strike and flag games.
I do hope it shall be amazing. Good luck.

Good karma+2 votes
Ma_Loon - - 34 comments @ Ma_Loon

Many people on here are very rude and I to know why? Why do they become so filled with anger in their days?

Good karma+1 vote
Ma_Loon - - 34 comments @ JP Mod

No thank you for creating marvellous joy soon to play - I do hope I could help but I am not any skilled at making games, so sorry.

Peace be upon your name and your group Fug.

Good karma+2 votes
Ma_Loon - - 34 comments @ PREDATOR - THE HEAT OF THE JUNGLE

You will always have peace, you need not request it.
I could only help if I had any skill in game making, but unfortunate I do not so sorry.

Good luck once more Freakness.

Good karma+1 vote
Ma_Loon - - 34 comments @ Jurassic Life

Dear Iznogood thank you and your team for creation of this game - it truly looks impressive and I can but hope it will be created for me to play recently.

Thank you, peace be upon you.

Good karma+2 votes
Ma_Loon - - 34 comments @ Lost World Returns

This is one reason I joined - you and your team are very impressive in this creation, make most beautiful things for the game - I am indebted and cannot wait for release.

Peace be upon you all.

Good karma+1 vote
Ma_Loon - - 34 comments @ JP Mod

My thank you Fug and to your team, you are becoming a impressive game here. I have wished for this since the Trespasser.

Thank you once more friends, peace be upon you.

Good karma+3 votes