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Have a good computer (powerful, most) I want to see some good mods please. To the Freakness, Dec1234 and Fugitmdup - you two are most kind, thank you for your responses in mine. Please understand my English is not as full as yours - I am using dictionary in Firefox to help (bless Firefox).

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Left 4 Dead

Ma_Loon Blog

I played Left 4 Dead the other night and it is most scary!

I play online with various people - where we have to work together through hardships to defeat common enemy, was most enjoyable.

The only thing I as not like is the un-realism. It feel very cartoon, and it play less real too.

But this is not detract as it is VERY enjoyable, I recommend for those that have not, to play.

Tanks are like hairless gorillas which made me laugh.

I hope to see you inside the game.

Blessings to all,


Far Cry 2

Ma_Loon Blog 4 comments

I have played this game time and again and it is very upsetting.

Many realism has arrived in the story and it is sad to see this. But it is enjoyable if I pretend it is not in Africa.

I wished there was a beauty of creatures in the wilderness, but there are only grazing - no predators to show beauty of African life.

Very similar game and graphics are quite replicate of familiar places so I enjoy these facts.

If only you could know the real beauty instead of playing this land in a shooting game.

Thank you all for reading, peace upon you all.