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I am a writer for LambdaGeneration.com and am aslo entering the Source modding community as a writer and level designer. If you're looking for anyone that fits that criteria, I am eager to hear about your project.

Comment History
hscsguy - - 8 comments @ Crio-Dead:Memory gameplay#1

This mod is looking really, really interesting! The gameplay and art style is very interesting. Reminds me of a strange combination of Mirror's Edge, Dishonored, and FEAR. Which is a nice combination if you think about it. You really should be advertising this on Interlopers.com or something (assuming you aren't). That should help you gather some support.

Good karma+2 votes
hscsguy - - 8 comments @ Station 51 Postmortem and Walkthrough

This is a great write-up. Really gave me some things to think about while I'm working on my own project. Just out of curiosity, when you say you're looking for a new tool set to work with, are you referring to an SDK that you want to develop a project on from scratch like UDK? Or a new game to mod in general? Because if that's the case, it turns out 4A is working on an SDK for Metro Last Light. It won't be out anytime soon (if ever), but it might be something worth keeping an eye on. Just food for thought. :)

Good karma+2 votes
hscsguy - - 8 comments @ FD

That looks FANTASTIC! Great work!

Good karma+3 votes
hscsguy - - 8 comments @ The Citizen Part II

I've actually been having a similar problem. I recently downloaded the mod, extracted the files to the sourcemods folder (this isn't my first source mod, by the way), but it doesn't show up in the Steam Library. I've downloaded it three times from different sources, I've restarted Steam several times, but it still doesn't show up. Did you ever solve this?

Good karma+1 vote
hscsguy - - 8 comments @ Lost Squad is delayed

I'm very much looking forward to this mod. However, about QTEs, if you absolutely must have them in game, keep them far and few between and quite small. Nothing's more disappointing than building up to a big battle and have it turn into a "button tapping" fest.

But everything I've seen thus far looks really interesting. Keep it up!

Good karma+7 votes
hscsguy - - 8 comments @ Cry of Fear

Finally, I'm getting to download this mod. I have to say it looks like you guys did a phenomenal job. Congrats!

Good karma+2 votes
hscsguy - - 8 comments @ Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Beta Key Contest

The dust settles, a shadow appears at the end of the hall. He's too far away to make out, but he's not looking in my direction. I inch closer to see who it is. Slowly...slowly...he's not friendly. He turns, I strafe to avoid a bullet fly past my head. He can't fire quickly, his shots must be precise...I can use this to my advantage. I strafe, crouch, strafe, jump, crouch, I'm close enough now. I line up my shot, that black masked dome right in my crosshair. BANG! I lie in a heap on the floor, there was more than one. He shot me in the back, the coward. "HUMILIATION!" rings out over head...

Why is the announcer from Quake in my Counter Strike game?!?!?!

Good karma+1 vote
hscsguy - - 8 comments @ CS:GO Beta key give-away.

This game looks excellent! Whether I get into the beta or not, I can't wait to play it. :)

Good karma+1 vote