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Before joining the gaming industry I was a freelancer artist involve in illustration and graphic design since the age of 17 years old. Both position left a great impression on me to focus my artistic skills for visual communication and problem solving to help sell a client's product. Afterward, I got into video games as the next challenge not only for playing, but to compliment my artistic talent to the industry as concept artist. Working with a couple of indie gaming projects that I was responsible for UI, storyboard, logo, character and environment design. The experience pushes me to take a more lead and activate role as a game designer to create proper structure of game play and mechanics, lead art, story line, scenarios and level design.

RSS My Blogs  (0 - 10 of 54)

Happy belated holidays and new year from the new team title blog called "Star Blog". To start off, we would like to celebrate the sixth anniversary of Art Ink Studios, which was founded on January 1 2017. And now, here is the latest news and update. The demo of Star Blitz X is still being tested on with a few problems mostly the response of the vector assets. Meanwhile, we are thinking of adding a new weapons item to require with the number of four. Each weapon will be planned and tested out to ensure game play balance that is not too powerful and not ineffective. The last follow up, there is a new gameplay that is already finished to be installed. The set up and assets to change the camera angle to move above the Earth. The approach is to make it feel more classic arcade to shoot all angles of the scene on top of the Earth, while being able to switch back and forth with the default scene of facing the Earth. That is it for this week news and update, but stay tune for more when available.
P.S. Expect a delay on our end based on the second job that may come up. But we are committed and determine of completing the project.

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We're back and the blog is a go with big news about the progress of Star Blitz X for both good news and a few bad news for the full and demo versions. First, the good news, and after listening to the feedback we added a variety of assets that are not just asteroids, but vector art assets. The asset are laser-shape objects that are form of an insect, animal, and weapon that are homage to the simple design of the early 1980s arcade era. More news is that they are all finished and with a total of 10 vector art assets along with a written mechanic and animated attack pattern ready for programming. Now the bad news is that the remaining assets which are the 3d asset portion, have not started yet. However, ideas for the asset to which there are only seven left will be sorted out soon. That is it for this week news and update, but stay tune for more when available.

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Welcome, to this week news and updating from our official blog. For this pleasant week, we efficiently manage to test out the floating hit points and audio files with fantastic success. However, a slight error typically occurs when proper placing the HUD from over head of an imminent explosion. The direct result would intentionally restrict the aspect view of smaller asteroids. To typically prevent the potential problem by promptly move the HUD either right or left side of the apparent explosion as an excellent starting point if it works properly. In other worthy news, the possible option to properly direct the playable game with a keyboard arrow whenever a mouse controller is unavailable. The image background in the control menu assuredly comes with a direct instruction would helps explain more in detail. Meantime, we properly included the auto fire on and off notification audio installed. It properly notifies the eager player if they instantly press and gently hold the fire button in possible accident or intentional. That is a wrap for this week news and update blog, but stay tune for more when available.man g38b97987d 1280

Welcome to this week's news and update. This week news and update as we bring good news on with the successful addition of the audio announcer for Star Blitz X within the main title room. The concept is to give the presentation of the main menu room life as more ideas for the room to give it appealing as the next. In other news, we included the floating hit point HUD that is similar to the floating combo point HUD found in fighting games. It displays the total number of hits along with a different catchphrase from the fonts and the voice announcer. There are a total of 11 floating hit point and could be last asset to the demo of the game. That is it for this week's news and update. Stay tuned for more news and updates when available.

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Welcome to this week's news & update on the Star Blitz X project. We have great news is that the two endings are finally complete and will be installed within the full version of the game. Cannot hardly wait to see the result! In other news, more voice-over audio that we created for the title of the game to give the presentation of the main menu more lifelike to the scene for the players. The approach is similar to the classic arcade's gameplay, where the voice-over acts as the announcer to the main menu for engagement. For the last update to the assets of the gray asteroids for levels 6 to 10 will be adjusted to appear more to enhance the challenge as the appearance becomes less for new assets after level 10. That is it for this week's news and update. But, stay in tune for more when available.

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Welcome to this week news & update of Art Ink Studios. While the news remains the same of double-checking and iron out a few bugs, however the problem is mostly minor like setup assets and how it responds which we are confidence it will ready to be launch soon. The good news is that the animation and special effects to the two ending of the game is finished and the next step of adding the font or possible voice over. The two ending will be available to the full version of the game that will come out later this year. Meanwhile, the setup of the giveaway contest is on the way as the game design document of Star Blitz X the special edition is finished. Once the demo of Star Blitz X is complete is when we start on the special edition. That is it for this week news and update, but stay tune for further news and update when available.

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The End is Near?!

EMatthews77 Blog

Greetings and welcome to this week news blog of Art Ink Studios. Good news everyone, we are inches closer to finish and releasing the demo of the game for Steam and Apple Store. There are still a few bugs to iron out that we overlooked, but confidence of launching it soon on time, somewhere between early or mid of this year. In other news, we are thinking of holding a contest of drawing a lucky name whenever signing up to our newsletter of winning an exclusive Star Blitz X the special edition. The progress is in the early stage, but detail of the contest will be available soon. That it's for this week news and update but, stay tune for more when available.

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We are back and would like to apologize for the long delay. There were and still bugs in the game that are keeping it from loading properly in the first level. We manage to update the paused and game over menu by installing the flickering script to the game over font that is similar found in classic arcade games, and the redesign of the paused menu for a simple but appealing sci-fi aesthetic. Meanwhile, the 3D model of the futuristic city to the true ending of the game is still in progress as the storyboard to animate the scene is ready. The regular ending of the 3D space scene will soon start, as both regular and true ending will be available for the full version of the game sometime by early next year. That's it for the last news and update of the year from Art Ink Studios. Let's hope 2022 will be the year for us to finally shine. Until then, happy new year as more news and update will soon follow when available.

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Greeting, as we bring with great news on the progress of Star Blitz X, the demo. We finally got the asset of the Vectoroc for level 12 working successfully with a half month of trial and error. There are a few testing of how the player would interact with the spawning of the Vectoroc, but can say everything seems to be ok. Meanwhile, we found a couple of bugs that was overlooked and taking care of as we plan to relaunch the demo on the online stores for free play before going launching for steam app store and google play. That is it for this week news, but stay tune for more update and news when available.


Big Announcement!

EMatthews77 Blog

Welcome to this week, the latest news and update for project Star Blitz X. We finally insert the Vectoroc for level 12, but the appearance is too small and error of color scheme within the game. We adjust it's size and cutback the number of Vectoroc into two assets that flash colors as one fade in that are seen on the video below. Now for the big news that you came for. We are searching for YouTubers, bloggers or streamers to play and review our game for comment and feedback. The announcement for the review will be notified once the game is clear of bugs and error. Detail will be discussed once the game is fixed. That is it for this week news and update, but stay tune when available.

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