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Inspired by XCOM and a legion of brilliant authors this game puts you in the shoes of the newly appointed Overseer of the SCP Foundation an extraterritoral organization charged to secure anomalous artifacts around the world, contain public knowledge, and protect the world's existence from the hazards these items possess. You must Secure. Find anomalous events and SCP entities. Customize your armed forces and research powerful new technologies. Dispatch task forces to lock down and retrieve it. Fight off others interested in the same prize. You must Contain. Suppress public knowledge of the events. Recruit governments, agents, and organizations to fund and support your goals. You must Protect. Build bases and secure areas to store anomalous items. Stop the spread of anomalous effects. Beware of dangerous containment breaches. As time passes the beginning hastens the end. Something nearly destroyed the Foundation once. It won't make the same mistake again.

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Few Suggestions (Games : The Foundation : Forum : Feature Suggestions and Feedback : Few Suggestions) Locked
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Oxiclean2514 Member of the Ethics Committee
Feb 29 2020 Anchor

Hey, big fan of this game. Been hoping someone would make this idea for a while. I understand the game is in very early development and there are not many features, but here are a few that you could add if you like:

1. When first starting a new game, give the option to take a tutorial. First going into the game it can be hard to understand how everything works.

2. Add the ability to upgrade the amount of members you can have on the ethics committee.

3. On the O5 council screen, when you first start the game make it so the Council is empty and you have to find members

4. Add a screen for the hiring and firing of employees/janitors/researchers etc.

5. On the screen for site's. Instead of saying "Owner:" instead say "Site Director".

6. When you make it so you contain anomalous objects. Let the player choose what object number that SCP gets.

7. Add the ability to also rotate the earth on the X axis as well as the Y axis.

And finally, on the O5 council screen, when you add the ability to assign council members to things. Make an assignment named "Internal Affairs" to deal with people going rogue. (Also maybe add an assignment of researching and preventing a CK-Class Restructuring event. If you want more information on that go on the SCP wiki to Incident Zero - Part 2 and read the part about the O5 council meeting.)

These are just suggestions and I understand if you don't add them in. This game seems like when developed it is going to be awesome. Will check in around every 2 weeks to see for updates and try them out.

Thanks for reading.

Edited by: Oxiclean2514


Secure. Contain. Protect.

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