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Initially a fork of 0AD, the realtime strategy game targetting city phases and fun play, it combines RPG and co-op features with RTS. It simulates world history starting at 200 000 B.C.E. and features realism like flow of time, lively atmosphere, civilization merging and foundation, day night cycles, weather, seasons and an elaborated tech, commander system as well as a hybrid AI for RTS-RPG style game play (coop, p2AI, AI2AI, p2p). Travelling time may give rise to questions about the circles the world seems to be caught in, e.g. conflicts, misunderstandings and group, personal interests to the disadvantage of the beauty of the world

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Developer company: Team Portrait: Jan (Consul)

Developer company: Team Portrait: Jan (Consul)


A club member talks about goals + fascination of living through history and adventurous journeys towards fulfilling worlddevelopment goals.