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Warlords rejoice! Version 0.8.9b of The Protectors is finally here. Requires version 0.8.9 FULL and patch 0.8.9a. Heroes from previous versions are NOT deleted, but saved games are incompatible (campaigns will need a reset).

TPC beta v0.8.9b patch
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jfpoliveira12 - - 3,725 comments

Nice patch, the game runs very smooth, and I haven't had anymore crashes so far, even though loadings are longer (which I actually prefer to crashes).

One balance prposition I would posit, however, is that you make Orogs require T2 Keep, rather than being produced at T1, as they make Orc Infantry obsolete for the Graw subfaction.

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WBCKharn - - 406 comments

Yeah - to help improve performance, we've been making more of the on-the-fly game data pre-processed at the 81% mark of the loading screen. So instead of the game doing something a hundred times a second and again and again throughout the course of a match, it does it the once during the loading screen, records it and then refers back to this when it's needed in the midst of a battle.

Although we then take advantage of the newly gained performance to add in more calculations for things in general, like improving the AI or adding in new and complicated passive perks. XD

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jfpoliveira12 - - 3,725 comments

Really good coding, then. Making the most out of this ancient engine.

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tyronebiggum7 - - 24 comments

Really enjoying the new patch. Cut down on in game load times and crashes by a huge amount. Agree with most of the balance changes, especially the spell cost reduction for many spells that summon things. But one thing seems a bit off so I was hoping someone on the team could clarify. Why does the cryohydra have 15 armor and resistance? I'm assuming that was a mistake because that's the same amount that titans have. Shouldn't it be closer to something in the 5-6 range to put it in line with the other hydras?

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Patrick_Winekiller Author
Patrick_Winekiller - - 740 comments

Yep, those stats are not intentional. We will rebalance them in future patches.

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Guest - - 700,058 comments

Jesus ! so glad to see, ur actually still working at this project ! as a big fan of WB series i really cant wait for WB4, but lets be honest - they wont make it. So ... u r the only hope dear devs. Thank u for ur work, so so much :)

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Guest - - 700,058 comments

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Guest - - 700,058 comments

guys, start kickstarter project with this !

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Onimenokatana - - 81 comments

As always, best team in da house! Thanks for not dropping the project and keeping our dreams alive, your efforts are so much appreciated!

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WBCKharn - - 406 comments

I myself have a tendency to stick with something for ever and ever. I still play Duke Nukem 3D and mod that from time to time - a game I bought more than 2 decades ago! So I'll no doubt continue work on this until a new WBC game comes out and makes our mod redundant, or I die of old age. XD

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Guest - - 700,058 comments

Earthpower of the Engineer can trigger, but can't repair the buildings really in 0.89b, and some AI hero like Barbarians when they are in level1 and have no worker they may never build and just conversion all mine. I really like the game thanks for your great work^^

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tyronebiggum7 - - 24 comments

Error/Bugs so far

Riders of trarg- no bonus, penalties or neutral description

Gemberry- spell descrition error in spellbook repeats "non-mechanical/undead/extraplanar troops" instead of "(+25hp, +10hp per level; cures from level 3)" can be fixed manually on user side by deleting all or part of "non-mechanical/undead/extraplanar troops" in the English->spells.txt file

Order of Iron Fist:
- Mercenary General only spawns minotaur king
-Rage of sartek upgrade incorrectly shown in both slots 6 and 8 of minotaur keeps level 1-4. Check line 77 of faction code and include keep levels 1-4

Doomwood subfaction- Sorceror casting dominate spell triggers racial synergy bonus activated text

Alchemists goldify perk nullifys assasination skill granted by items at least with ranged damage

Licheguard of Zhur- Archive hero spell researches not registering new keep as Requirement, PSRJ and PSRO need to be added to the line 413 adjustments

General error- Hero skill tree screen at level up lists old incorrect mana costs for spells i.e. final necro spell for raise champ that had lowered mana cost in new patch etc.

Dark Dwark- main faction- guild build description "teeches" should be-> "teaches"

D. Dwarf high druid- with both "wild home" and "Mercantile Acquaintance" perks will cause crash when a match starts if not enough map space for placing both buildings at map load, probably not fixable or worth fixing really, just be aware

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Guest - - 700,058 comments

Do the Dark Dwark of you the Earthpower of the Engineer can really repair the building?

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WBCKharn - - 406 comments

It appears bugged as the spell isn't applying any effects to the targeted buildings.

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tyronebiggum7 - - 24 comments

Must be from some kind of conflict with the new repair system I would guess. Back in the day before fan patches and mods earth power would work if you loaded a save and used it on a damaged building, likewise it would work on buildings that were already present at map load. But with the new patch even loading a save does not seem to fix the problem, so it doesn't seem like a map check problem. If I had to guess it probably has to do with the negative resource drain over time that accompanies the new system where as under the old system resources were taken all at once and then hitpoints granted over time. With the spell I assume it basically pays zero resources and then forces a hitpoint change over 1 second. Maybe the game doesn't push the building hitpoint change through because it doesn't detect any negative adjustment to resource rate so it cancels it out right away. Or it might be based off the way repair gets auto-canceled when buildings receive damage interrupting repairs. Just speculation though because I can't see that level of the code, I might even be completely wrong. At any rate I have faith that the team will figure something out as they are very dedicated to the project and responsive to the community which is something you don't see very often in a lot of mods.

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WBCKharn - - 406 comments

It's been fixed - believe it or not, it was to do with titans.

A check was added in at some point to prevent titans from being healed. However, this check assumed the object it was checking would always be a unit, but yet buildings run the same piece of code and thus a building was being checked if it were a titan.

As the building structure doesn't have an entry for the titan check to retrieve data from (because buildings can't be titans), the game was being pointed to some random memory and as long as it wasn't "0" (which would mean false) then the titan check would think the building was indeed a titan and go on to block the healing.

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tyronebiggum7 - - 24 comments

LOL wow that's crazy always neat to find out all the intricacies of the code. Good to hear that it was fixed. Big thanks to the team for quick response and feedback. Looking forward to next release.

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WBCKharn - - 406 comments

Thanks for the report.

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darudaru - - 2 comments

The menus are all broken for me, doesn't matter the version.
Already installed all the pre-requisites.

A video showing what's happening:

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WBCKharn - - 406 comments

Have you tried restarting your computer? When ever I see anything like this (even on my end) a simple restart of the computer fixes it.

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tyronebiggum7 - - 24 comments

Hey there darudaru,

This glitch is caused by using the thumbs down (back button) icon at the options menu after making changes (or not). What seems to be happening is that the back button sets the game to an incorrect resolution that skews where the mouse is clicking on the actual behind the scenes menu. Usually the mouse is clicking a spot a few inches above where you intend.

But anyway to fix this you could try going into these folders Documents->The Protectors->Settings and either manually editing or deleting the "Options.json" and/or "Advanced Options.json" If you delete them the game should recreate them the next time you launch it with working default settings that it configures.

In the future DO NOT use the back button at the options screen (until its fixed in future patches anyway), use the confirm changes (thumbs up) button instead to navigate away. Hope this helps, if not let me know and I'll think of something else. Or if it does help let me know as well so if others have this problem they can be referred to this fix.


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darudaru - - 2 comments

It's working now, thank you guys.

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jjsherman - - 1 comments

Hello just wanted to say when i play the original wbc3 campaign and play as the fey (dint know if this matters) every time i click on world options the game crashes like everytime :L

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WBCKharn - - 406 comments

It has already been fixed for the next patch, but thanks for the report.

The issue is down to "garbage" data being read for the scroll bar attachments (so it would only crash for Tech Options and Hero Options). As such, the crashes won't be entirely consistent. Restarting your computer (shutting it down and then rebooting it) can give you a chance at accessing those options without crashing. (Or just opening up a few things and leaving them open before running TPC can work since the game will now be using different pockets of your RAM and might not encounter any offending garbage data.)

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Lazybuttons - - 34 comments

Whenever I try to start the custom Fifth Horseman campaign, I get a black screen with a voice over saying something ("I join the hunt"), and then nothing.

For now I'm just playing the regular Hero of Etheria campaign.

Aside from that, really enjoying the latest patch. The game runs super smooth now! Great work, guys.

Another thing I have to say. The research costs in the campaign are pretty high.

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yurivalen - - 3 comments

Hi, I got a PROBLEM.

I installed 0.8.9 downloaded from here, then 0.8.9a, then 0.8.9b.

when I open the game it starts windowed, so I entered the settings but the game didn't respond to my clicks, if I press on the resolutions tab at the top it won't respond, but when pressed the thumbdown to go back to the manu, for a nanosecond I saw the tabs change but hen I'm back at the main manu.

PLZ Help, I wish I could play the game again.

(running on Win10, with nice computer Y700, tried changing a lot of compabilty settings, but nothing worked).

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Rakasob - - 5 comments

Please fix the army limit/food system. I've read the army limit explained.doc and it doesn't seem to work as described at all. The food isn't being stored, used or produced. All it does right now is severely punish the player for reaching the pop cap.

Also, playing only with a level 1 keep in the campaign is like sleeping on knives. Could you make the research instantaneous as you buy it or add the ability to skip 30 days in the campaign?

Hero of Etheria and Fifth Horseman campaigns are not working as I only get a black screen trying to play them. There are also sometimes invisible/unbuyable items that appear in the tavern.

By the way, are barbarian tribesmen supposed to have such a short javelin range? They feel kind of underwhelming. I'm fine if you make them a bit more expensive as long as they have their original WBC3 attack range.

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WBCKharn - - 406 comments

Something's going to happen to the food system, but I don't know what. It has been somewhat discussed by the others but unsure when the changes will take place. It might be something for 0.9.1 now.

Using the "wait" command at any location in the campaign can have you skip the days needed to complete keep researches and retinue tasks. So you can effectively have everything done immediately. I typically stock up on potions, crowns and fully research all my keep upgrades before even starting my first battle.
However, I believe in the next version you'll have up to keep 3 unlocked by default for your starting race / faction. I haven't been playing the campaign lately so I don't know if that has been done or was just talked about.

One of the WBC3 campaigns got somewhat borked during the hot fixes due to it being renamed. You can download a fully working version of the WBC3 campaign from the addons section here on Mod DB. Oh and make sure you don't already have any saved campaign data before playing those campaigns. While 0.8.9 heroes were made to be compatible with 0.8.9a and then 0.8.9b, the campaign data was not. You'll need to go into My Documents / The Protectors / Saved Games and delete anything in there that relates to the campaigns you can't play.

The Tribesman, like Axe Throwers, don't suffer any penalties for attacking in melee. And their ranged attacks can hit multiple enemies. Further more, they're available in tier 1 while all other ranged units come in tier 2+. This is their trade off for having a short range. But we are currently changing up every race in the game and making sure each unit serves a role and does that role well. As such, they may very well get an increase to their attack range to be a decent archer unit but also pushed to tier 2. Things are going a little slow at the moment, but Barbarians will actually be looked in to after the race we are currently working on.

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Guest - - 700,058 comments

Out of all the fliers, Phoenixes are honestly the most annoying ones to deal with, and super cheap if you spam them, especially the ones with Ice effects, as they can literally shut down even heroes and add to that just how quickly they can bring down buildings as well as converting them. Are there like plans to try and balance them out in any way? Because I feel that either making them melee, or having them just attack air units and buildings (like other fliers) would be more than enough

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WBCKharn - - 406 comments

We are currently redoing every race in the game and changing things up a lot. There's no doubt that all the Phoenixes will get altered in some way when we start working on the Elven races.

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Guest - - 700,058 comments

Hi, I'm really excited to try out this remake - it looks amazing! So glad I stumbled upon this from a Steam page review. Now here's the thing though - I feel intensely nostalgic about the localised soundsets of the units I played with as a kid, so while I wouldn't mind the game being in English at all, I would really like to replace the soundsets. Do you think that would be possible with this mod, and if so how? Many thanks for any kind soul out there - oh, and I HAVE THE BODY OF A GOD, naturally.

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WBCKharn - - 406 comments

Using an XCR editor (which can be found on the WBC3 wiki), you can extract or replace files in an XCR file. All of the game's speeches (among other things) are found in these files and are named appropriately. For example, the Undead speeches are found in UndeadVoisesEn.XCR in the English version of the game. Open that with an XCR editor to see and replace the files within.

These speech XCR files are found in The Protectors / Assets / Sides folder.

And here's a link to the tools download page from the WBC3 wiki: Etheria.fandom.com

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Guest - - 700,058 comments

Hi, Amazing work being done with these mods.

I've managed to collect all items on the etheriary list.

But the very first item the sword with the blue glow/sparkles - how do i get that one?

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Patrick_Winekiller Author
Patrick_Winekiller - - 740 comments

That is a bug, you can only obtain it by hacky means.

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Guest - - 700,058 comments


My perks got deleted for my hero
I didn't do anything to tamper with them
For example, the trade perk ( for my Empire hero ) still shows in the toolbar, but it's gray. When i hover over it, it says i need to research trade, or unlock the perk.
But i've already unlocked the perk, which put it in the toolbar in the first place
When i got to my hero information, in the perks section, they all read zero
I have a Diraqine Empire Archmage hero

Another minor thing, magic points spent aren't updating in the Skills tab, when accessing hero information before entering the game, in-game they show well

Another thing, I have a magery perk ( when it was working ) , when enemy heroes used Disjunction , my hero's attack started becoming melee piercing. However, it should be an elemental ranged attack, the same i would have, if i had no weapon equipped

Regarding the tutorial, it explains the Racial ability can only be used once, even though in regular gameplay, you can use it often.

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JoeTheBartender - - 342 comments

Thanks for the bug reports! Afaik, the deleted perk one has been fixed in 0.9.0. It's been so long since 0.8.9, I don't remember whether or not the other listed bugs have been fixed.

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Patrick_Winekiller Author
Patrick_Winekiller - - 740 comments

It is fixed in 0.9.

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kulletrops - - 2 comments

Can you change AI behaviour a bit?

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Patrick_Winekiller Author
Patrick_Winekiller - - 740 comments

We have already greatly improved the AI in the upcoming version, but we are always interested in what you have in mind.

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kulletrops - - 2 comments

Unit's stacking always bore me. Can you change the course of stacking units or maybe they can be ghost (units can go through inside of other units)

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Guest - - 700,058 comments

Can someone please help me out ? I have a MacBook and can't seem to play the game.. I unzipped the file and I got to the .exe file and it says 'Mac cannot open a windows application'

I've tried a few things and I am all out of ideas ill e transfer you a few bucks if someone can explain it to me

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JoeTheBartender - - 342 comments

I would recommend joining the Discord channel and taking a look at the FAQ. If in doubt, ask Mulletman.

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Guts22 - - 18 comments

version 9.0 ... timeline?

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Guest - - 700,058 comments

Not this year they said.

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Noone- - - 15 comments

Discovered some bugs:

1- Steelsight ring, wealth skill also pouche of gold and etc. stuff like them gives initial resources but they do not generate ANY resources before higher than +1 per/sec in total (really annoying bug makes those skills unworthy to spend points and make these type of items almost useless since none of these items directly pass +1 per/sec barrier)

2- Charisma Army Setup points are never applied. Calculated many times.

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JoeTheBartender - - 342 comments

Both bugs have been fixed in the next patch (releases sometime next year). Thank you for the report!

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