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Not much to put. I am a decent portal mapper, and soon-to-be portal 2 mapper.

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Portal and Portal 2 - Still Going to Map For Both

Groxkiller585 Blog

Hi guys, first blog post ^.^

Anyway, this is to inform you (if you care, I really don't know :/) that even after portal 2 is out I shall still map for portal in my spare time. I have a few loose ends to tie up, and have been having fun with the P2 collab stuff:

Remember, these are panels. Not crushers. Though I could make them too.

Another thing (this one took be two hours but i was actually putting in effort to get it done fast) is a BG map I made. I may or may not release, although it is finished.

This map shows how I have improved with making broken down chambers; the ceiling is less thick, more realistic and has glued tiles missing. The floor has fallen in, instead of just tiles being absent.

Also the Portal 2 signage texture is by reepblue, in case your wondering.

Well that's all for my first blog post. Cya next time! :D