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Set in 1999 in a mental hospital known as Brookfield, you play as Tom Francis. Tom is a retired Shell-shocked Marine who was part of a deprogramming project known as O.C.L (Obey Civil Law) Everything went well until he found Room 012. Now Tom Knows to much, but before The staff could find him and lock him up, something happend to Brookfield. Now that he is on his own, Tom must find out what happend and escape with his life. This Game Was Devolped by Reaver1 and Published by Mortem Studios.

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Update: April, 7 2014

Update: April, 7 2014


Tragic news: Lead developer and story writer passes away. Game is being bought into a different direction.

An Update!?

An Update!?

News 1 comment

Yes, im still working on the game. But due to some delays and what not the game, sadly wont be on here for a short time or so.




this is infomation on the demo and the date it will come out on the site. if you have any questions at all please contact Reaver1 via PM (PRIVATE MESSAGES...

Two versions of the game.

Two versions of the game.


There is going to be two editions of the game. One for more high end computers and one for low tech computers.

Still not finished...-June Report

Still not finished...-June Report


The june report will explain a lot of the bugs and give further information on where we are at on the project as well.

Report #1

Report #1


The screenshots has been uploaded and there is still more to come.