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You received new toys from your family. Isn't that lovely? Oh, it's for sure... Your old toys, though, aren't getting along as well. They are no longer cared for and have been forgotten. So what follows next? They're going to join together against you and assault your brand-new toys, so be prepared. But never worry! You're in luck since your brand-new toys are troops of green soldiers. They still require your aid though! Control, strengthen, and defeat the opposing forces! However, focus with care, the enemies you encounter might not be your old playthings! Tower building alone won't be sufficient to repel incoming attackers. Build up your own troops in the best feasible positions, then unleash attacks into enemy territory. Never abandon your towers, and deploy your troops in accordance with the traits of the enemy. First, the attacking forces will attempt to get past your defenses. Build and improve towers to aid your army. By using unique abilities, you can support your troops a

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The First Boss of Toy Shire

The First Boss of Toy Shire


Hi everyone, we've made recently this boss. It is kind of special for us because it is the first boss of our careers.