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A race known as the the Tethesians reach Earth in their quest to expand their empire and inhabit all viable planets in the Milky Way. Upon reaching earth they discover the sentient human race, who must be eliminated to clear the world for their habitation. As is customary with the Tethesians, their scientists developed a virus to target the Humans of Earth and kill them in a global epidemic, using any survivors as slaves in their army and workforce. As the virus spreads throughout the planet, it becomes obvious of the Tethesians plot, and the Emergency Coalition vote to destroy the planet and make it uninhabitable for the Tethesians. As the virus spreads, individuals are noted for their immunity to the virus, and scientists rush to find a cure. However none can be found. The Emergency Coalition declares Global Martial Law, and attempts to quarantine and curfew the population. Allowing free passage to only those who were tagged with bands to indicate their immunity. More on site!!!!!!!!

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The television screens flickered into life around the hall. On screen, the President of Earth was shown in his characteristic royal blue suit, addressing...




The television screens flickered into life around the hall. On screen, the President of Earth was shown in his characteristic royal blue suit, addressing...