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Back on Earth, the Mission Control Center picks up a distress signal from a distant settlement on Teria, a planet in the Vertex constellation. Teria is a rocky planet with rudimentary soil and a small presence of water. There is nothing particularly notable about Teria, except for its massive reserves of Kretium, a rare metal used to build super strong structures. As a material, Kretium is more valuable than gold and platinum combined. Settlers from Earth established a colony there and have been mining Kretium for sale. In return for the Kretium, the settlers bought the goods and machinery required to sustain their lives there. Teria is located far from the stellar highways, so it is unusual for the planet to receive visitors. However, on June 17, 2143, the crisis center of the Central Astronautics Agency picked up a distress signal from Teria, which was then forwarded to Alex...


