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Claire is lost and terrified as she and her dog find themselves in a warped reality that is a nightmarish reflection of their own. Alone and hunted from an unknown force lurking in the darkness, Claire's only hope comes from helping the forlorn people she comes across. But as Claire searches for a way out, she begins to unravel a connection between herself, the people she is trying to redeem and the force stalking her from the shadows. Features: - Play as Claire through multiple ages of her life. - Future custom-level creation content. - Use light-based weapons to fight off the shadows. - Panic level-based sounds and visuals. - Work together with Claire's pet German Shepherd - Survival horror elements such as needing to find caffeine and panic items. - Talk to and try to redeem people you come across with multiple dialogue options. - Multiple endings based on your choices and redemption. - Multiple game difficulties. Nightmare Mode, NewGame+

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Claire v0.20 Notes (HailstormGames 10 years ago)

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Bug test (v0.144) (HailstormGames 10 years ago)

Desura client pulling up steam

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