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Post news RSS VCD progress report - August 22

Greetings everyone! We've been proper busy on Viscera Cleanup since it was Greenlit (thanks again!) so we present to you here a brief progress report on what's been happening since.

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Hail ya'll!

So, we've plenty busy on Viscera Cleanup Detail since it was Greenlit (thanks again!!). We'll be getting another update out soon, but in the meantime, here is a progress report on what's been going down.

We've got a bunch of new systems in progress which are functioning already (but need plenty of polish still). These are:

  • -Bullet holes/scratches/etc and support for repairing them with a laser tool. The laser can also make it's own holes if you're clumsy ;)
  • -Fires. These can breakout when smashing lanterns or overworking your laser tool. This will be expanded as we go.
  • -Vending machine. Here you can order new pieces of equipment. This is still in it's infancy, but it's going well. It even has a nifty "on machine" UI.
  • -Scanner. This little tool can help you detect shell/bullet casings and viscera.

Other things:

  • -Radio. Fairly straightforward but adds some atmosphere. Next step is for us to find the right sounds for it to broadcast ;)
  • -Key bindings. Yep!

On the content side, we've been working on the new "medical bay" environment. We've got a whole bunch of meshes complete, but more to go still, and plenty of textures.Here are some shots of it's basic structure and look, still very much subject to change. Also, there are many meshes not yet added in ;)

Very early med-bay Very early med-bay
Very early med-bay Very early med-bay
Very early med-bay

And there we go! We'll try and be more consistent with these progress reports from here on :)

Oh, and please consider pre-ordering the game for $5 while it's still that price :)

Thanks everyone!

pathil123 - - 2 comments

omg thats freaken awsome i can't waite to try out the laser that sounds epic and the medical bay sounds pretty cool that would be cool if the radio was able to brodcast actual stations with a script to make it sound staticey and aswell a way for it to get interuptted by station signals like how the hero wiped out the aliens this is very exiting to me to see how this game is developing so well i can't waite to see it in the steam store yall should add some kinda cumtomizing ui so you can tell who is who or name tags that would be sweet ty so mutch if yall took the time to read all this glad i already preorderd and ty for yalls time

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JohnBlacksad - - 1 comments

I love this game, it has a huge potential in my opinion.
imagine, it's just an idea, you pass the broom after the event of the movie alien, in the Nostromo ... You imagine the madness !?
This would be so awesome !!!!!

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RuneStorm Author
RuneStorm - - 75 comments

PS, full game will likely include a level-editor ;)

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