Third Question?
The Community-Based Project. What class of people would you like to be put into the game? Leave imaginative and descriptive ideas. The best 4 will be chosen for Gameplay.
Posted by leebarguss on
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Haha really sorry for my last comment there I meant to say that you should definitely go for a scientific game, I'll double check my work next time :P
Awesome ^^
I would like to see of cause a Mage, and a Warrior.
And umm.. Maybe a Beast?
You know like if you get good enough you can get a "pet"..
If you know where im going :)
I don't have a suggestion for a specific class, but I'd really like to have just the 'base classes'. Like Dragon Age: Origins did.. just 3 classes to start with, no combining of two or more classes. An example of such a combined class is a "battlemage".
If that's what you mean with "class". I'm very tired so I had some trouble actually watching the vid instead of just looking at it.
(Lol, but Charlean should properly introduce herself.. :O Not just her hand xD)
Haha well watch it when you wake up xD and were not really planning on your character having a "Class" its is a idea in progress but we mainly mean the type of people your meet i.e battlemages e.c.t more will be explained later ^^
Ah yeah I thought so. That's kind of a hard question :/ I'll think about it (probably tomorrow while making my economics test xD) and post the result ^^
Awww but if I try to introduce myself Dan will only push me over and laugh :'[
Soz this was meant to go up there under Metalspys first comment xD
Lol well you did introduce yourself now, nice job ;)
Dan shouldn't be such a mean guy =O