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Post news RSS Thief Town Dev Update - 3/08/2014

Many many bug fixes, and exclusive beta version announcement!

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Sorry I haven't posted any updates for a while, I have been pretty busy fixing bugs and adding minor features to the game. I was also able to figure out a build process for PC and OSX, so now I have an exclusive beta version of the game all ready, for those who want to try it!

Demo Night
Last month's demo night went very well, the highlight being a surprise appearance from Rami Ismail of Vlambeer. Thief Town received some pretty positive feedback from its players, even though a ton of bugs popped up.

We will also be showing off the game again this month (along with our other in-development game, Noir Syndrome), at the Boston Games Forum on the 26th at the Microsoft building in Cambridge. If you are in the area and interested, I'd highly recommend attending. There will be a bunch of other great local games there as well!

Bugs & Other Minor Stuff
Here are some of the things I've been working on recently:

- Network stability (dropped & duplicate packets, etc)
- Dynamic window scaling
- OSX controller support
- Saving option preferences
- hitboxes in the saloon were broken
- UI display for when there are local controlled thieves as well as LAN thieves
- Adding the first music track
- Fix lots of various crash bugs

As you can see, most of this stuff is pretty minor and uninteresting to show off. The networking and crash bugs especially took time but this work was essential to make the game as stable as possible. One interesting thing I added was the window scaling. You can now resize the window as much as you want, and it will automatically fit the game to the best resolution it can.

Dynamic Window Scaling!
Yay dynamic window scaling!

Build Process
Another thing that took a while was figuring out the .exe and .app build processes for Windows and OSX. Since plenty of people don't have Java installed I had to make sure the game will either come with an interpreter or prompt the user to install it. Figuring out the jar bundling process took a LOT of time, especially for OSX. However...

I finally now have OSX and Windows builds all ready for people to test, so if you are interested in playing just shoot me a message or comment!

Coming Soon
With approximately one month of development left, things are finally coming together. The main features left to be added to the game are:

- Sound effects & more music
- Standoffs
- Victory screen (currently the game just goes on forever)
- Better touch controls for Android

Piano Player .gif

Over the next couple weeks I will be transitioning back into feature development and will get these features into the game as soon as possible. We are also starting work on a trailer- more on that to come later.

See you guys in a week or two, and remember...

Big Tumbleweed

stay away from fully grown tumbleweeds.

JFreakXD - - 273 comments

hey, its me again (the one who asked for the nior syndrome beta) can i get this too?

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cocomendes - - 181 comments

Awesome *0*

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Chet_Rippo Author
Chet_Rippo - - 7 comments

Actually, I'm just going to post the beta version on the downloads page here. Should be up soon.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
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