I have added shield effects for ships. Now weapons impact is indicated by an animated shield effect. In this development video the bot ships glow green and my ship glows red with the shield effect. This really helps with weapons impact tracking and looks cool. Also added is the energy status of each bot shown just under the ship.
I have also reduced the size of the weapons sprite for general laser/bullet style weapons. This helps with less weapons clutter with lots of ships engaged in battle. Weapons like bombs and EMP's will have larger animated effects for weapons discharge. Generally all the weapons and ship graphics and physics are fully configurable and can be changed to suit a map design.
This video is recorded at 30FPS for better viewing.
- Rich -
Looking good. Maybe different shield types could have different color, if there are more than one type of shield?
Yes, no problem. :) I am experimenting with different effects and colors. In fact I can let each weapon have it's own shield impact effect in any color which is cool.
I'm also looking into directional shield impact effects so the shields indicate the section of the ship that has been hit. Also very good for tracking weapons impact.
- Rich -