I just wanted to give you a heads-up on what's happening with the mod developement. As you know my other developer has left me (mongol) and therefore it's only me left working on this module, so if anybody has experience or can lend a extra hand to make some custom models, or contribute in any other way it would be appreicated. Right now i'm gonna try to fix the errors that i can fix to the best of my knowledge.
I might release a preview demo for you guys in a couple of days, but i want to make sure that i implement everything related to clone wars content and that we get that over with, we did after all promise you of a clone wars era campaign, so after the errors i will begin implementing clone wars armors, weapons, and some different models.
May the force be with you all!
Your main dev
Dentho is the best Dev. I don't have any skills to offer, but i wish you luck, in any case!
I can help with a lot of things.
Bug testing,audio editing.
I would be happy to help!
Depending on what it is I can model. Like if it's weapons and buildings I can model it. But I haven't really modeled a successful armor piece for warband. I'd be more then willing to offer any help! Best of luck!
I sent you a private message related to Beta Testing (i.e Finding Bugs)
What I can really contribute is my knowledge on Star Wars.
Well that sucks about the team getting smaller but I'm sure if you released a demo many of us would be sure to lend a hand with the bug testing. Good luck