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Valve sets up to release the DLC for PC and 360 versions of Left 4 Dead. Which will include the long awaited SDK.

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With the release of the Survival Pack DLC for the Xbox 360 the tease and the countdown for the release of the PC version has begun as the release is planned to happen later on today. The DLC will include access to the other two maps in 'verses' mode as well as the highly anticipated Survival mode which has a team of four see how long they can last against the hordes of AI controlled zombies. The DLC was originally supposed to be released around December 2008, but Valve being Valve have waited until the update is perfect. Who wants a broken update anyway?

L4D_411 wrote: In addition, for PC gamers and aspiring developers, the first Left 4 Dead release for the Source Software Development Kit (Source SDK) will allow the creation of custom Left 4 Dead campaigns that will be discoverable via L4D's matchmaking system. The SDK update is also due for release this spring, and is free of charge to all owners of L4D on the PC.

With the update the best feature by far is the ability to access the long awaited SDK. So mods like Dead Before Dawn and I Hate Mountains will finally be able to change more then just levels with a "it will have to do" SDK. As to what the SDK will allow people to do, only time will tell us that. The ability to access the Director, lighting features and the ability to finally be able to make mods separate of the game itself is some of the features I'm hoping will be accessible.

Gabe_Newell wrote: Since Half-Life launched in 1998, Valve has made continuous efforts to expand the offering of its products beyond what's included on the day of launch. With Half-Life and Counter-Strike, and more recently Team Fortress 2, we've learned that we're no longer making stand-alone games but creating entertainment services. With Left 4 Dead we're extending that tradition by creating additional gameplay and releasing our internal tools to aspiring developers so they may also create and distribute new Left 4 Dead experiences.

So with the release of the SDK what types of mods is everyone hanging out for? Let's hope we will see some creative uses of a well working AI system for online games.

*** UPDATE *** After the release of the DLC for the PC the update for the SDK was not released with the update. Lets hope we will see it soon.

Post comment Comments  (0 - 50 of 54)
Vizitas - - 66 comments

Finaly :) have been waiting for ever

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BunnyJen - - 886 comments

I just had a quick go on survival mode on the 360....It's tough haha!
I can't wait till I can play it on the PC version later today. YAY.

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SirBaron - - 227 comments

What's this something which valve hasn't delayed yet? Perposterous!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
mrjesus123 - - 24 comments

It was actually delayed like three times

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SuperXSonicX - - 19 comments

Im pretty sure they said the SDK wouldnt be released with the DLC.

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Henley Author
Henley - - 1,973 comments

Where abouts did you read this?

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Luke874 - - 29 comments


Sauce or gtfo.

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pielikey - - 62 comments



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hushpuppy - - 761 comments

Finally, i hope they wont limit the SDK like they did with TF2. Beacuse there are some really intresting total conversion mods that would work really good with the coop and Zombie spawn system this game has.

I know at least 2 mods waithing for final confirmation. Plz make total conversions avalible.

edit: i just read the text xD thank god they are allowing it!

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LongBottom - - 233 comments

There's no way Valve will release the source code, so you can quit dreaming about total conversions.

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Dihard - - 3 comments

You don't need source code for a total conversion. All you need is a fully-featured SDK that lets you do everything you could want with the engine. Remember Counter-Strike? That was a total conversion, and the HL source has never been released.

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LongBottom - - 233 comments

You need to understand the concept of what mods are then. There's only so much you can do with a mod without code. Perfect example is Portal Prelude, that's a mod without code modifying. Now that's what it's gunna be like with L4D. The most you'll get is server plugins, but nothing huge to allow for real total conversion mods. If you knew Source modding, (or anyone else) then you'd understand what I'm saying.

And FYI:
Looks like code to me.

I'll talk no more. Just wait 'n see when it releases, then remember me and smile vaguely.

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Metal_Mavrik - - 66 comments

Actually, that's completely wrong. Sorry, but the reason half life and half life 2 can be modded so easily is because we have access to the source code. Hence the name of the enginge: SOURCE. Left 4 dead, however, is all hard-coded, which means that modding it to any real extent is impossible. We can make custom maps with the sdk, and that's all.

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Akaichi - - 53 comments

So I don't need to bury my hopes of seeing WH40k TC on L4D yet, that's some good news.

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hushpuppy - - 761 comments

Same mod i was thinking about ;)

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purplehaze412 - - 368 comments

Good news, I have xbox 360 version But i have been forgetting to play it :/ ima check it out soon

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Daystranger - - 327 comments

"With the update the best feature by far is the ability to access the long awaited SDK."
SDK is NOT included in update.
It will be aviable "shortly after".
Fix it.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
pielikey - - 62 comments


Like the comment above, sauce or gtfo.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-13 votes
purplehaze412 - - 368 comments

Like the comment i really don't care about that's above me

Shut up.

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Typheron - - 262 comments


remeber to factor in Valve time there.

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Midnitte - - 128 comments

Technically wouldn't this be a new time definition? Turtle Rock... or even Valve South Time?

Turtle Rock Time: Say your going to release two things at once, delay them both then only release one.

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supernova87 - - 1 comments

About time!

SDK should be really great for developers.

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c3lhas - - 144 comments

Bring it ooooooooooonnnnnn!!!!

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PierreOfTheFrench - - 320 comments


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CoHach - - 41 comments

"This is part of the L4D SDK rollout, which is currently in a closed beta and will be released shortly after the launch of the L4D Survival Pack."

It'sin the official L4D blog, in the post titled "A Match Made In Zombie Heaven." So we will not be getting the SDK now sadly.

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Ryswick17 - - 416 comments

"This is part of the L4D SDK rollout, which is currently in a closed beta and will be released shortly after the launch of the L4D Survival Pack."


SDK isn't comming out today, you are all misinformed

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djjonastybe - - 141 comments

Since when xbox is more important than a PC?
omg stupid xbox

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BladeRunner162 - - 314 comments

man, survival mode sound awsome and i cant wait to play dead air in versus :D

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Koribian - - 10 comments

cmon, release it!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
AlCool - - 3,112 comments

People aren't realizing how AI this complex and mechanics this strict are not gonna allow valve to release much more then SDK to map, skin, sound, and possibly if your lucky, replace a few models. Remember this is VALVE we are talking about. They will NOT release everything unless they have complete control over the content that comes from it with a set of "anti stupid" restrictions not allowing you to break their engine.

They haven't released a half decent set of SDK since HL2 with addons for each episode.

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Daystranger - - 327 comments

And YET people are making great mods like Zeno Clash, PVK or Fistfull Of Frags(with full bot support).

Doubt that they give FULL L4D source. Same for CSS and TF2.
This will only give CHEATERS more opportinuties than to actual MODDERS.

Base HL2 source code is more than enough to make great distinct and unique mod or even a standalone game.

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AlCool - - 3,112 comments

Lol what?

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DecDoyle - - 8,531 comments

Yeah... Shows what you know.. Zeno Clash was created on the fully paid official source engine, the one that costs a bomb and has NO restrictions, and is probably more up to date than left 4 dead.

As for them mods, nothing fantastic has been done with the code, and bots are already in the half life 2 deathmatch source code, they just need fixing.

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DOLBYdigital - - 622 comments

Can't wait for the official mod support and SDK.
Thank you Valve, I can't express enough appreciation to you guys and gals :)

One of the few developers left who understand gamers and actually tries to provide them quality and innovative updates for their game for FREE. It seems all to common now to see developers strip features out of a game only to sell them back to the gamer as paid DLC updates. Thank you Valve for showing everyone how to create value in a game and make it worth buying instead of cramming DRM into it.

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Knights - - 164 comments

About time?? :>

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AshtonAndersen - - 205 comments

Lightspire just may be put on hold for this game update..


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ToxicFruit - - 14 comments

is it true, you got a source or is it a LIE !!!!

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D3@DM4N - - 854 comments


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DecDoyle - - 8,531 comments


HAHA Fail, you actually think that Valve is releasing the source code...

(He told me this on my profile then tried to laugh at me when they released this SDK, even though i said they are releasing the SDK with mapping ability only, but NO source code.)

So yeah, anyone want to agree with me or laugh at this guy, then in doing so will be funny.

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OkeiDo - - 380 comments

Epic fail. Haha!

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DecDoyle - - 8,531 comments

Haha yeah man! :P

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
LongBottom - - 233 comments

And it's so true. People can say what they want, but when the (mapping) SDK comes out and they see it's got no source code they can think back with their little minds and see who they were wrong.

OkeiDo, you of all people should've figured this. Although I see you on your ZPS profile thinking you're going to be able to port ZPS to L4D. Good luck with that. Time will tell.

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DecDoyle - - 8,531 comments

Well you put it better than i did!

Thanks, and also look around at the large number of mods waiting to be ported, ive tried telling the developers but they are all narrow minded and stubborn and refuse to accept that the Sorce Code is not being released. Omnibus or something is one, and there is another but i forgot the name, it is about rambo and people on that mods moddb actually are discussing giving the zombies guns and stuff in the source code to make a mod.

Anyways i have my proof to show these people and hopefully save them time, and others too.

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AlCool - - 3,112 comments

Tell it like it is dec!

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scewy - - 30 comments

Still not out yet! :(

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sbnewsom - - 656 comments

Pacific Standard Time....its still only 2pm here.

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Dra6o0n - - 534 comments

My L4D is updating right now on steam, but no SDK guys...

L4D update i found was around 5:40PM EST but I opened steam 10 minutes after, so I think it was 5:30PM EST when they placed it.

By shortly after Survival Pack, I think its a week or two after survival pack is released (At least/most).

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ToxicFruit - - 14 comments

yey im updating

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Jesternz08 - - 410 comments

Wicked! bout time tooo :)

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SneakySoft - - 340 comments

I just downloaded it, but source sdk isn't updating or anything... still no sdk :(

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