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Resign the Indie way! William David is a developer over at Ubisoft who recently left his job, find out how!

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Back in April a programmer known as Farbs left his job from 2K Boston Australia using the medium of a video games. Personally I felt it was the best possible way to hand in your badge being from field that he worked in. Following in Farbs footsteps is William David who is a developer over at Ubisoft. Will has also left his position in search of a Independent career, and like Farbs he has his send off marked with a small flash game.

This was a much nicer send-off then the previous one, with the heavy use of music and simple sprites. I can only look forward too what he will create next without the restraints of a big publisher like Ubisoft on his back. Good luck Will!

Armageddon104 - - 3,128 comments

Can someone upload that somewhere eles my newground doesn't work.

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Orion - - 587 comments

"Think Twice"... "No way back!" LMAO! That was hilarious but slightly touching at the same time! lol. XD

Seriously tho' Fair play to the guy! Best wishes for the future to him! I Hope he does well! ;)

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kinesis916 - - 739 comments

Funny, but with a nice message.

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sigvatr - - 48 comments

What's that Sinatra song called?

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formerlyknownasMrCP - - 892 comments

Resigning is one thing, being made redundant is another because you wouldn't do something like this if that was the case. True Story because it actually happened to me.

He's just lucky he had the luxury of actually quitting his job knowing that he could find more- I struggled for the past few months but I'm happy to say I found a new job working for a multimedia firm :D its just really crummy when you get kicked out of your job in video games.. and its usually really sudden.. like "Hey guys, we're out of money KTHXBYE".

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