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We can talk perpetually about various aspects of indie game development on the blog. However, sometimes it's nice to step off our soapbox and answer some direct questions from the readers! Our last community Q&A session was very successful, so we've decided that it's time to open the floor again.

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We can talk perpetually about various aspects of indie game development on the blog. However, sometimes it's nice to step off our soapbox and answer some direct questions from the readers! Our last community Q&A session was very successful, so we've decided that it's time to open the floor again.

Our goal is always to focus on topics that people are actually interested in. So in the spirit of open development, we ask you to please submit your burning questions in the comments. We will focus on the 10 questions which receive the most "likes" (within reason, I don't know if I can handle another kilt interpretive dance). We also reserve the right to answer extra questions that we find particularly interesting. If you submit a real doozie, we may decide to save it for its own blog post later on.

Bunny questions

Kilt dance or not, we promise to provide some kind of video response!

Post your questions and click the "Like" button in our blog comments on the ones you want us to answer! I will also be following the ModDB comments here for good questions too so ask away and vote them up or down! (permalink)

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alvarojmarquez - - 84 comments

How do you manage the team?

Reply Good karma Bad karma-1 votes
Xyrom - - 241 comments

i think he's wondering how he contacts them, transfers models/textures, ect...

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
TylerWalters - - 3 comments


If I ate something cold, would it be hot?

Reply Good karma Bad karma-10 votes
choco - - 74 comments

whats the rabbits name ?

Reply Good karma Bad karma-3 votes
SliderFF - - 896 comments


when did yours univers was born, and why rabbit?

Reply Good karma Bad karma-10 votes
Xyrom - - 241 comments

What does it mean to you when you see the game come together into the masterpiece that it's turning into???

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Murdouken - - 317 comments

Is there going to be more creative animals in the game, like instead of just wolves and rabbits will there be a bear-salmon cross breed or something of the like?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+11 votes
x0oo0 - - 31 comments

What are some of the big differences between Lugaru's gameplay and Overgrowth's gameplay?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+9 votes
atheistmonk - - 1 comments

Why do you hate black people?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+10 votes
choco - - 74 comments

If you where a fruit, what kind of fruit would you be ?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
AshtonAndersen - - 205 comments

Will whale man be a playable character or a giant boss battle where you and a dozen other rabbit players team up to take him down for achievements and perhaps new gear / upgrades?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+15 votes
PytoX - - 742 comments

Why is the whaleman your favorite charachter?

Reply Good karma Bad karma-1 votes
Lopper - - 1,559 comments

why am i asking this question?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Dr.Nick - - 53 comments

how does i shot web?

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AndreB - - 259 comments

How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?

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marv_l - - 1 comments

Where's Waldo? I been looking for him but all I have been able to find is rabbits made out of jello falling from the sky.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+6 votes
Brygelsmack - - 7 comments

How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
draken1991 - - 14 comments

When we'll get to see some gameplay (combat) goodness?

Which are your favorite indie games?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+7 votes
Pelf - - 109 comments

Will Overgrowth be moddable? If so, to what extent?

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Pelf - - 109 comments


Delete comment if possible.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+6 votes
Neurological - - 212 comments

Can you give me a job?

Reply Good karma Bad karma0 votes
Hellsevil22 - - 360 comments

How user friendly is the combat system?

I hate when you have to mash buttons to hopefully perform some sort of combo that's a little more than useless.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+13 votes
Adude - - 16 comments

Is there going to be dynamic water, like in the UT3 engine?

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CaptainCheerios - - 2 comments

Thats not Dynamic water, the only 2 Games with Reactive water is Dirt2 and Hydrophobia.

UT3 the appearance of water splashing is just a Particle effect and the ripple is just a scrolling UV map, and water physics are just faked like every other game since the dawn of time.

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Laughingbun - - 28 comments

You dont know what you are talking about. Unreal has had reactive water since UE 2.5 Albeit basic it is there.

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Adude - - 16 comments

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Sionfel - - 1,568 comments

That's a tech demo, not really in the engine.

Besides, why would overgrowth need reactive water?

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preowned - - 75 comments

So people can say
"Ya MY game has reactive water.... bitch."

Reply Good karma Bad karma0 votes
pfannkuchen_gesicht - - 520 comments

will it be possible to dynamicly break the bones + physik mesh?
(so that for example the bone of a leg is broke into two pieces and the leg wobbles)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+6 votes
Bon. - - 172 comments

what role does Chuck Norris and Steven Seagal play in the game?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+6 votes
skippyledoodangle - - 23 comments

How will the gameplay be like? For instance, like Assasins' Creed, Mirrors Edge, Prince of Persia, etc.?

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Jam3s007 - - 1,217 comments

no, it will be like Lugaru.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
skippyledoodangle - - 23 comments

*facepalm* stupid me.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
vp21ct - - 84 comments

I've been following the mod for a bit, but the thing that has me confused is the particular genre of the game, is it an rpg, is it a platformer, and action/adventure game?

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FlamingWaffle - - 40 comments


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feillyne - - 5,815 comments

You've been following the... GAME. :-P :-)

LOL, so many people thinking games are mods on Moddb. O.o Please, if you could stop that... it's like showing that you can't tell your hand from your fingers... -_-

Nice questions. :-)

I've asked Jeffr lately what combat system Overgrowth will have and if it will be similar to Assassin's Creed one.
The answer was that it won't be limited as AC1, so there will be more freedom (unfortunately w/o weapon contact effects).

So I'd like to ask further about combat sys: how many moves/turns, special abilities, weapons, ASO, will be there?
How climbing system will be resolved? More like The Saboteur's one, or like Assassin's Creed fluid clambering sys?

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Samuk - - 690 comments

Why name your engine after a mystic bird instead of after a mystical rabbit?

I personally love the PR work your doing, do you have any tips for other indie developers?

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JustDaveIsFine - - 1,546 comments

What has been your most difficult obstacle so far?
Where did the idea for Lugaru originally come from?

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SneakySoft - - 340 comments

You guys make so many tools that are cool but not really important to make a good game, so my question is: Why?

Don't get me wrong, I like most of your tools so far, but it's not necessary to make a quality game. I always prefer focusing on gameplay.

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Xyrom - - 241 comments

i think its to help modders and with game development latter on... once they have all the tools finished it will make it easier to develop the game and for others to mod it...

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
Ark_ - - 583 comments

I apologise if these questions have been asked before.

Do you plan to licence your engine to other indie developers?

What methods do you find best for keeping everyone and everything originised?

Finally any tips for other developers that wish to achieve your level of success?

Also you level of openness and interaction with the community along with your PR is really great and much appericated.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
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