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Game has been approved for sale on gameolith. Please support cybercritics and more games are sure to come.

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It's been a long ride, nearly a year since the start of the project, about 6 months of solid coding, over 20k lines of code. The game is finally finished and available for purchase. I hope you enjoy playing it.

In-game images

It was coded in C#, .NET and XNA, there was also a supporting program that was used to make an item tree with all the elements, commodities, buildings and other things present in the game. I had to make a custom UI components as well, it now sits at around a dozen controls like windows, drop boxes, lists, tab controls, image boxes... This was a nice learning experience, I have learned a lot and that knowledge is sure to help in future projects.

In-game images

This is cybercritics first commercial game, I have no idea of what the market for indie games is like. The indie market didn't exist a while back, but is a one man development team capable of competing with some "indie" games that have budgets of hundreds of thousands of dollars. Is it possible to earn enough money to expand the company, is it possible to quit your job and focus on development? I don't know, we'll see what happens.

Please support cybercritics, spread the word, tell your friends.

coderbill - - 12 comments

can you upload a video? Looks interesting, but not enough for me to spend money on a blind purchase!

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genuinedickies99 - - 2 comments

Yes. A 'lets play' to introduce the game would generate more interest.

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dirtbag007 - - 521 comments

Challenge accepted :)

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