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Post news Report RSS Dereliction 2022 official demo available now

Dereliction now has a public demo on Itch.io! It has taken a long time to get here, but finally I can share a playable teaser of what I’ve been working on for so long.

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Dereliction 2022 official demo available now

Dereliction now has a public demo on here on Itch.io! It has taken a long time to get here, but finally I can share a playable teaser of what I’ve been working on for so long.

Hello everyone, this is Salt_. I have been working hard for a very long time, almost two years, just to get this demo in your hands. And, finally it is ready! The demo is available now on itch.io for both PC & Mac.

Some more recent ScreenshotsSome more recent Screenshots

The demo uses the games default level generation and difficulty controller to create 4 unique levels for the player to explore, and hopefully reach its end. Each level gets more complex and more difficult. Difficulty does not mean the enemies become bullet sponges no, it means the variety and the number of enemies in the level increases. They become smarter and more coordinated, and more vicious. They will seek out the player, and will attempt to sneak up on them from behind. However, they do not know exactly where the player is, and can only listen for and sounds like gunshots or objects getting smashed. The bugs can also talk to each other and alert themselves to where the player is, if the player has been located.

Some more recent ScreenshotsSome more recent Screenshots

It is rather tough for the player to get to the end and complete the demo. This is especially true since death is permanent, like all good roguelikes. However there are many ways that the player can increase their chances of success. For example, they are limited to how long they can stay in a single level by their oxygen tanks. The oxygen tanks can be upgraded by finding an upgrade either in supply rooms or by spending currency at shops located at the start of each level. The same can be said for items such as max carrying capacity for all items and upgrades to improve their effects.

There are also more rare rooms created on each floor like the medical room and workshop. Medical rooms are the only place where the player is given a permanent health increase and stamina increase. So it is worth seeking it out if oxygens levels permit. Also the workshop can upgrade all weapons (currently only once) changing its art, and how it works, and how it is used. A first level plasma rifle is more a sniper rifle where an upgraded version can charge to a wide beam death ray.

There still is a lot to do. A whole lot. The demo is free to everyone and I hope it is well liked and received! There is an option to donate to the project too. I don’t want to be that guy and ask for any donations but I cannot see any other way for now if I want to hire voice actors, maybe some help will all the art pieces. I am only one guy, and it’s a huge amount of work for just me.

I never wanted to tell everyone I have an idea, and that they just need to trust me it’s good and put up a crowdfunding campaign or such. This demo here is my proof of concept. It is the proof of what I want to make is fun, and the hype and interest it creates can help turn this small demo into what I want Dereliction to become!

So thank you to everyone reading this. Thank you to everyone who has shown interest and followed me online, and followed this project.

I will continue to work hard at creating Dereliction. I am glad I can finally share a little bit of what I see it can become!


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