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Post news Report RSS Bethesda Parent ZeniMax Hits DoomRL With Takedown Notice

After Bethesda endorsed Brutal Doom, the fan-made DoomRL may be taken offline in order for ZeniMax to protect the Doom brand.

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ZeniMax Media has issued ChaosForge, the creators of DoomRL – the Doom Roguelike – a cease and desist notice for the distribution of the free, fan-made game. ChaosForge, then consisting of Kornel Kisielewicz and Derek Yu, uploaded the first version of DoomRL over 14 years ago. The fan game is “heavily inspired” by the original Doom games and features enemies and weapons from them translated into the roguelike genre.

Kisielewicz posted the takedown noticed he received from ZeniMax on Twitter, which states that “The unauthorised use of ZeniMax’s intellectual property falsely suggests ZeniMax’s sponsorship or endorsement of your website. This practice infringes on ZeniMax’s exclusive intellectual property rights.”


ZeniMax issued the takedown notice days after Brutal Doom, a separate Doom fan mod, was nominated for Best Fan Creation at The Game Awards 2016. Just prior to the show, Bethesda’s official Doom Twitter account sought votes for the game’s support in the awards show:

Brutal Doom didn’t end up winning the Best Fan Creation category. That instead went to Enderal, a total conversion of Skyrim – Incidentally another ZeniMax property.


Darren Grey, designer and lead writer on ChaosForge’s next game, commented on the nature of the roguelike genre with regards to fan-based inspirations:

That next game is, in fact, a spiritual successor to DoomRL – but it’s no longer inspired by the Doom property. Called Jupiter Hell, the game is at the tail end of its Kickstarter campaign, and has received a sharp uptick in support immediately after Bethesda issued the takedown notice for DoomRL:

John Carmack, one of Doom’s original creators, is a backer of Jupiter Hell’s Kickstarter campaign. Meanwhile, the campaign itself has censored the word "Doom" in its own description:

jupiter hell desc

It’s unclear what will happen to DoomRL from this point forward, nor why ZeniMax chose this point in time to issue the cease and desist when the game is been in the public eye for well after Bethesda’s acquisition of the Doom IP. ChaosForge clearly has its focus on Jupiter Hell, and it’s possible that the Kickstarter campaign’s momentum may have brought DoomRL to ZeniMax’s attention.

Post comment Comments  (0 - 50 of 76)
Metaltooth - - 2,721 comments

Pardon my language here
What is with big publishers being such **** over fangames?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+34 votes
JohnnyTheWolf - - 1,078 comments


Although I do share your sentiment about the greedy, heartless corporations going after fangames, I do not pardon your gratuitously homophobic language. I mean, come on, what does homosexuality have to do with anything? :/

How about we just call them "killjoys" instead? Or, to go with the season, "grinches"?

Reply Good karma Bad karma-54 votes
El_Zongo - - 140 comments

You're being homophobic.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+10 votes
JohnnyTheWolf - - 1,078 comments


South Park is not real life.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-27 votes
slothman320 - - 134 comments

ITs not wrong though. *** doesn't mean homosexual anymore. Not with the modern generation at least.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+17 votes
JohnnyTheWolf - - 1,078 comments


It still does, actually. Again, South Park is not real life: words do not magically lose their meaning just because a few illiterate people on the Internet.

Let us not associate greedy corporations to homosexuality.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-36 votes
tetragammaton82 - - 3 comments

Actually, "******" had entirely different definitions before people began using it to mean a homosexual man. And the definition has changed to mean other things other than "gay man".
The definition of words used colloquially change all the time.
To YOU, the word "***" is an insult towards gay men. To many others, it doesn't mean that, and people who use it are not implying that whoever they are calling "****" are gay or that there is something wrong with homosexuality.
Sorry, but you don't get to dictate the colloquial definitions of words. And you don't get to tell us what words do or do not mean, can or cannot mean.
If the word bothers you, just keep scrolling and ignore it.
The fact that you are lecturing others and telling them how to use words and trying to dictate what they mean is only making you look extremely arrogant and soft.
Continue about your day if you don't like something.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+23 votes
Alcapowned - - 129 comments

"The fact that you are lecturing others and telling them how to use words and trying to dictate what they mean is only making you look extremely arrogant and soft.
Continue about your day if you don't like something. "

Speaking of people lecturing others how to use words...

Most of mainstream society doesn't see "******" as anything other than a slur, and you people are getting offended because you can't use it without being called out. Don't want to be called out? Don't use it. Otherwise, you're whining even more than the people you claim are whining, and you know it.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-3 votes
JohnnyTheWolf - - 1,078 comments


No, YOU illiterate heterosexual dudes do not get to dictate the colloquial definitions of words, especially when they are still used to disparage homosexuals. South Park is a silly cartoon show made by two white heterosexual dudes who admittedly do not put much thought into their writing; stop treating it as an authority on serious social issues.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-30 votes
El_Zongo - - 140 comments

You do understand that the word '******' like many words have changed throughout time and history? Try learning a little bit more about things before trying to be an internet dictator.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+8 votes
Metaltooth - - 2,721 comments

Stop being homophobic and attributing the word *** to gays

Reply Good karma Bad karma+7 votes
JohnnyTheWolf - - 1,078 comments


I invite you and your fellow South Park worshipping hipsters to put your theory to the test by seeking gay men in real life - in the street, in clubs, in events - and calling them "****" to their face.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-26 votes
Metaltooth - - 2,721 comments

Heres the thing m8
I am gay, I have a boyfriend that Ive been dating for 3 years now

Its perfectly ok to say ***

The butthurt here is delicious at this point

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
JohnnyTheWolf - - 1,078 comments


Here is the thing, though: you most likely are making this all up just so you can get away with throwing gratuitous homophobic slurs at things that have nothing to do with homosexuality. You want to sound edgy and cool, but in reality, you are just upset that I did not pardon your inappropriate language and you are trying to save face through ridiculous mental gymnastics. So much for having a thick skin...

Reply Good karma Bad karma-20 votes
Metaltooth - - 2,721 comments

Aight then go on living in your fantasy world with Bethesda and other *** publishers while I enjoy some DoomRL with my bf

Reply Good karma Bad karma+7 votes
Gleb_AA-Gun - - 1,003 comments

I'm pansexual and the *** and ****** word don't offend me in any way shape or form. stop being a lil bitch.
I wonder how you will even be able to survive in this world like that!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
JohnnyTheWolf - - 1,078 comments


Oh look, someone hiding behind a cartoon avatar of a furry accusing me of being a coward. Again, if you think you are so tough regardless, feel free to go out and start calling random gay persons "****" to their face. After all, what could possibly go wrong?

The other irony is, even in the South Park episode, Stone and Parker do acknowledge the continuing homophobic nature of the word "***" and "******". Last time I checked, though, we do not really use the word to refer to Harley Davidson riders...

Reply Good karma Bad karma-20 votes
BloodAmplifier - - 51 comments

Right, shut your face. All of you.

First of all, I got a question for you, Johnny. Are you just trying to **** people off? Honest answer please.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
JohnnyTheWolf - - 1,078 comments


No, I am just telling the OP to drop the unnecessary homophobic slurs. Not an unreasonable request, but apparently, it is enough to **** some people off to the point where they have to make it personal. I guess mild criticism is more upsetting to them than the greed of corporations threatening beloved fan projects...

Reply Good karma Bad karma-12 votes
BloodAmplifier - - 51 comments

While that is true, have you at all in any way, shape or form tried to calm things down?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
JohnnyTheWolf - - 1,078 comments


It is not up to me to calm things down. Though, to be fair, I was not planning on further responding to the OP now that he has decided I am no better than corporations...

Reply Good karma Bad karma-13 votes
Erik313 - - 459 comments

I think you're just a tad bit too politically correct if you can't take "***" as a joking insult. He's unironically using that term since it's inaccurate, yeah I get that. But going on and on about it just shows why we can't have nice things.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
JohnnyTheWolf - - 1,078 comments


I would not consider homophobic slurs to be "nice things". Even the OP has unwittingly acknowledged their homophobia by reacting so defensively and going as far as to start pretending to be gay themself. It is not being "politically correct" so much as being anti-juvenile ********. I mean, come on: we are dealing with corporate censorship here. Surely we can do better here than react like 12-year olds playing Counter-Strike...

Again, we should be calling these greedy, heartless corporations for what they are: killjoys or, to fit the season, grinches.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-9 votes
BloodAmplifier - - 51 comments

As long as you drop it completely, that's fine.

EDIT: I never saw your post before, tried to correct it, then got rid of it.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
DarkKnightGareth - - 259 comments

Agreed. They are all little pricks and I hope they go bankrupt so they can be reorganized.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
JohnnyTheWolf - - 1,078 comments


Hopefully, not into something even more dangerous...

Reply Good karma Bad karma-5 votes
JustBarney - - 244 comments

So, calling people "****" isn't homophobic, but arguing that it IS homophobic is itself homophobic? What insane breed of logic is that?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+10 votes
BloodAmplifier - - 51 comments

Can we all just drop it please. It already ended, let's not stoke another fire please.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
JohnnyTheWolf - - 1,078 comments


Are you some sort of moderator? You seem to talk like one, but there is no indication of such. I am not trying to challenge your authority or anything, I am just curious.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-10 votes
TKAzA - - 3,154 comments

Its probably better to focus on the news as the topic for comments.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+11 votes
Drunken_Toaster - - 123 comments

Can't agree more

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Guest - - 699,992 comments

Honestly, what did you expect? Basically, you are totally at the mercy of a publisher when you use anything that they own the copyrights to. Complaining that they are being pricks because their lawyers enforce copyright claims is just retarded. There are plenty of independent developer tools available nowadays so simply create something totally original and nobody will be able to attack you. If the concept is any good at all I guarantee that gamers will throw wads of money at you. Then you can hire your own blood sucking copyright lawyers and the circle of life will be complete, lol.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
CMDKeen - - 647 comments

That's a fair assumption when you use something a big copyright holder owns, particularly when they are as trigger-happy as Zenimax, but in this case the game is far older than Zenimax's ownership of the franchise. Would you reconsider making a fan game because a decade from now someone could sue you?

Buying a franchise and C&Ding; preexisting fan works is a **** move no matter how you spin it, especially if you wait half a decade before doing it. Zenimax is in the position to gut the entire community around original Doom, and they might be actually willing to do that it seems.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
El_Zongo - - 140 comments

This is ******* ridiculous, Bethesda and Zenimax are the scummiest companies in the industry and everyone just ignores it because they make "epic" ******** like Skyrim, nothing is going to change unless you people speak out against it.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+25 votes
Gunship_Mark_II - - 4,864 comments

Hey guys, i found a photo of ZeniMax Media CEO : I.imgur.com

Reply Good karma Bad karma+10 votes
Metaltooth - - 2,721 comments

You forgot the Swastika DLC

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
formerlyknownasMrCP - - 892 comments

You know that Altman is a jew right lol. Not saying I don't agree with you however. But yeah the Zenimax board are all ********, go look up the history of how they were founded, they basically mutinied Bethesdas founder.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
fleet84 - - 158 comments

just look up John Carmack

Reply Good karma Bad karma+7 votes
DarkKnightGareth - - 259 comments

This is ******* ********. What is there to stop them from trying to take down all DooM related stuff? It is not like anyone is charging for their content. You little pricks think you are big ****, ha! Trying to take down a rougelike game that is endearing to us DooM fans, **** you Zenimax and Bethesda. Your games suck *** and the only reason any of them are playable are because of mods and the modding community. I hope to God you guys get to read this. The modding community will find a way to live on no matter what ******** you try.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+12 votes
CyborgParrot - - 1,733 comments

Goddammit I'm sick of all these ignorant AAA Companies taking down Fanmade Projects, it goes to show how little to no ***** they give about their Community/Fandom, and how broken Copyright and Fair Use is.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+13 votes
56er - - 1,253 comments

1. Make a bad reboot of a good and old game.
2. Ban every fan made compe3tition with your legal rights, because you only do ****** games.
3. Yeah, you done it! Your customers/players dislike you. Well done.

Srsly, this is why I never even bothered to buy the new Doom. Stupid MP, DLC and now this. Brutal Doom is all you will need, and its for free.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+6 votes
JohnnyTheWolf - - 1,078 comments


There is also Doom 4 for Doom if you want to play the new Doom for free.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-10 votes
BloodAmplifier - - 51 comments

It's not actually the same mate. Similar is not same. It's still good though.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
JohnnyTheWolf - - 1,078 comments


I would say it is in many ways much better, as you can play it with any vanilla mapset and you do not have to deal with some of Doom 2016's unfortunate design decisions, such as Doomguy's inability to run. Plus, since it is a mod, it will continue to be worked and improved upon even after the original authors decide to move on to other projects.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-7 votes
BloodAmplifier - - 51 comments

I still only said it was similar. I do agree that it's a good idea to that **** in a mod though. it's changeable, yes.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
JustBarney - - 244 comments

Dude, the new Doom is awesome. Just because Zenimax is doing something stupid doesn't mean that every game made by Bethesda is automatically garbage

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
VGames - - 3,983 comments

Yeah the SP campaign for Doom 2016 is epic.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
TheUnbeholden - - 3,620 comments

Well I guess the ultimate revenge is to make Choasforge very successful?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
Detestt - - 167 comments

Zenimax must have been taking notes from Nintendo.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+6 votes
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