Four days have passed since we launched our Kickstarter campaign and so far we have collected over 30% of our funding goal. We have also been getting amazing feedback from the community, press coverage and the "Projects we love" tag from the Kickstarter team :-)
You can now back "A Place for the Unwilling" (or support us just sharing it) on Kickstarter!
Haha, while watching and reading your stuff, I was like. Oh drat, this is almost exactly the idea for what I am working on. But as I read on and got deeper, it was awesome to see how well this seems to complement what I am working on. You have the polarity to what I have! The slumbering dreams... (That said, you are much further along your path, nice!)
I really dig the style of your game, and the idea and just about everything!
Good luck, this looks AWESOME!:D Can't wait to try!
the artwork it's just amazing