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Hi. I like to do things, things that I take interest in, from time to time. I jump around from one thing to another and my attention changes. I nerd out about things so whatever I'm obsessing over something at that moment then I need to express it in someway (this varies). The best example I can give you is at one point I was following My little pony while playing amnesia and I saw Rainbowrehash's mod, decided to download it, then got annoyed that there were no splashing noises for running, so I fixed it. My brain likes to jump around a lot, so it's not unusual for me to disappear for months then come back with a lot of stuff at once.

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New Hard drive

VGparastar1 Blog

I got my computer back. It has a new hard drive, but technically it was 4 years old (I've had this computer for a while). I spent some updating the drivers and downloading some programs. Hopefully I've got this in working status now. Hopefully.

I'll try to get some stuff done for the mod within the next month. The only thing I truly lost was the applejack icon. Everything else is stored somewhere else (wow, got lucky). I'll need to catch up on the episodes. Then I'll get started.


VGparastar1 Blog

My computer died. I have to get the hardware replaced (I didn't know it was possible for it to randomly fail from age and such). I had no backup so I lost everything, which means I lost everything I was working on that was not a part of the mod (I do a lot of things for fun). I did lose a little that I was working on, but that is easily replaced. But either way I won't have a computer for a while.

It's depressing though. It feels like I lost some of my brainchildren.