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TheGamingHeel - - 62 comments @ Rampage Brutality V1.7 Staging

And I got another bug to report (and this one is crucial because it directly effects netplay). Whenever I make a server with someone and tried to join, I get kicked out. Not certain if it has to do with the Zancompat flags being conflicted.

Good karma+1 vote
TheGamingHeel - - 62 comments @ Rampage Brutality V1.7 Staging

Right now, I'm experimenting with different things before I can even think of doing that. That being said, good job on the fix you presented earlier in this session.

Also, with that said, I doubt I will be continuing doing any fixes. I already have enough stuff on my plate.

Good karma+1 vote
TheGamingHeel - - 62 comments @ Rampage Brutality V1.7 Staging

Hey, RampageGuy. There's a bug that I noticed while playing that can be a bit of a deal breaker, but I fixed it. When you already have a gun that's fully loaded, if you continue to press the reload button, it will continue to subtract one unit of ammo from the ammo type that the gun uses. This was happening to a number of weapons like the pistol, assault rifle, lmg. I already fixed it here along with other edits like the kick animations with the pump shotgun... Dropbox.com

I don't know much about ACS, but I'm attempting to fix up the Spawner presets right now with no luck.

Good karma+2 votes
TheGamingHeel - - 62 comments @ Rampage Brutality V1.7 Staging

Yeah, never mind, dude! I think I know what was the issue. ^^

Good karma+1 vote
TheGamingHeel - - 62 comments @ Rampage Brutality V1.7 Staging

I know you got your hands full especially with academics, but I got something to report. A rather weird bug, if you will. After playing for a bit, I noticed that the screen would freeze, but the game will continue to run. You can still move your character, you can hear enemies going on. Like the action will still be happening, but the game screen will freeze in place and you won't be able to see what's going on. Thought I let ya know.

Good karma+1 vote
TheGamingHeel - - 62 comments @ Rampage Brutality V1.7 Staging

This is excellent. I don't know how, but you made it work. While it's true there are some Jump Target messages that pop up on certain things, the way how everything has been ported and how well they work on Zandronum is impressive. I can't wait to play this with some friends. Great job, dude! ^^

Good karma+3 votes
TheGamingHeel - - 62 comments @ Brutal Doom Dark Nightmares

Sounds interesting. I'm looking forward to this. :)

Good karma+1 vote
TheGamingHeel - - 62 comments @ Brutal Doom Rampage Brutality V1.6 Beta1

I just tried this version out. It's looking great. The weapon's animation is getting better and polished with different firing modes. However, in this version, you could barely rescue the captured marines with the use key, explosions are missing when a barrel gets hit, and fatalities are still non-existent (unless intentional). I can't wait for the next version!

Good karma+2 votes
TheGamingHeel - - 62 comments @ Rampage brutality V1. 5 (Slayer's Rampage Upgrade!)

This mod got better over the month. There's still some oddities like some guns disappearing like Compact SMG while reloading and the HUD sprites being bigger...but this version of the mod definitely feels like the definitive one thus far with the improvements thus far. Also, props for that nail gun and shotgun. Love using it. ^^

Good karma+2 votes
TheGamingHeel - - 62 comments

As much as I want to try this out, the mod is unplayable. I'm trying to play the game on both Zandronum and GZDoom but decorate script errors are preventing me from doing so. You might want to check that out.

Good karma+1 vote
TheGamingHeel - - 62 comments @ ProfessorExistential

Hey, dude! Welcome back! Nice to see you have returned!

Good karma+1 vote
TheGamingHeel - - 62 comments @ Platinum Assault Shotgun Redone

I love this weapon replacement. It is awesome and the frag shell shot is awesome for some more punch to the crowd control.

Good karma+2 votes
TheGamingHeel - - 62 comments @ BD21 XVME 1.3.1 brutal doom 21 monsters addon /// UPDATE #75_23.11.20

Hehehe. You're too kind, good sir. As a matter of fact, I should thank you for making this fix. I was pulling my hair out on what I was trying to fix, but I think your fixes have been enjoyable so far. ^^ I might go back to this mod some day to see about fixing the boss code completely for certain wads including Maps of Chaos.

Good karma+2 votes
TheGamingHeel - - 62 comments @ BD21 XVME 1.3.1 brutal doom 21 monsters addon /// UPDATE #75_23.11.20

I'm glad that you did this. While I understand his reasons for some of the changes, I didn't agree with the Prof's decision to switch the coding which prevents weapons from the regular EWM versions to spawn (that and change the Quad Shotgun's spawn rate. Also, the Demon Tech rifle in his mod needs to be tweaked...especially the Inferno shot's alt mode which replaced the possessing souls with a stream of fire.

I also must take SOME responsibility as I attempted to fix up the boss code because previously, some boss variants in the older versions while playing in Ultimate Doom don't bring up the ending screen as it was supposed to when they're defeated. So I decided to find some sort of solution (which I did, but I later found out it wasn't long term) and sent it to him when he replied back. While this issue is resolved with normal wads, it's still an issue with Map of Chaos Overkill in which killing one of the boss variants still clears the map even though it's NOT supposed to happen. To this day, I have yet to solve this problem.

Either way, you're a real trooper for doing this, dude!

Good karma+2 votes
TheGamingHeel - - 62 comments @ Possession Madness 2.0 - Hot fixes

Now that would be interesting.

Good karma+1 vote
TheGamingHeel - - 62 comments @ Classic Hud Doom V2

I definitely love this add-on considering that it also fits with mods that have reloads on them. However, I'm having trouble with Doomguy missing from the bottom there. Despite that, great mod!

Good karma+1 vote
TheGamingHeel - - 62 comments @ Dox's Deagle for Brutal Doom v21

I got this error
Script error, "DoxsBrutalDeagle.pk3:deagle.txt" line 22:
"inventory.althudicon" is an unknown actor property
EDIT: Never mind. I fixed it. ^^

Good karma+1 vote
TheGamingHeel - - 62 comments @ [Abandoned] Project Brutality 3.0 for Zandronum and FreedoomApp V1.0.2

Despite there being some bugs left over, I plan to fix them in my spare time. Thank you for making this. You did what others in the past couldn't do.

Good karma+2 votes
TheGamingHeel - - 62 comments @ [Abandoned] Project Brutality 3.0 for Zandronum and FreedoomApp V1.0.2

That's the hat trick right there. A lot of different modes made use of that wheel so...this is quite an interesting scenario. I guess the old fashion way is best. ^^

Good karma+1 vote
TheGamingHeel - - 62 comments @ [Abandoned] Project Brutality 3.0 for Zandronum and FreedoomApp V1.0.2

I just tried this new version and you're slowly getting there! Great work fixing the disappearing upgraded ASG. Feels much better than ever before and the build does feel MUCH more playable than before.

Now the only other remaining issues is that endless looping of the whirling triple minigun, some of the weapons missing their dual wield forms (the Compact SMG with the dualies, the dual-wielding revolvers, double Sawed off Shotgun, Nailgun's spear form, the Railgun's laser form, and the dual-wielding M1 Plasma guns. Not sure about the revolvers since I believe in the newer builds, the deagles are their upgraded forms.) and the weapon upgrades lacking the giant green arrow that gives the players a heads up that it is an upgraded version.

Not sure if you're going to incorporate that wheel gimmick the official version has when you press the dual wield key. Either way, looking forward to the next version. ^^

EDIT: Well, I now discovered a new random bug. Sometimes, the Compact SMG would randomly return to the previous 2.03 skin.

Good karma+3 votes
TheGamingHeel - - 62 comments @ BD Power Fantasy

Certainly not me...but it'll be cool with the other stuff.

Good karma+1 vote
TheGamingHeel - - 62 comments @ BD Power Fantasy

Thus far, it doesn't work with Zan due to the error above. It works best with GZDoom

Good karma+1 vote
TheGamingHeel - - 62 comments @ BD Power Fantasy

I did it for both Zan and GZDoom just to be on the safe side. Let me see if there is a conflict...
EDIT: Nope, I fixed it. It was something else I had. Never mind. ^^

Good karma+1 vote
TheGamingHeel - - 62 comments @ BD Power Fantasy

Can't use the file. I got this Script error, "Brutal Doom Power Fantasy v1.pk3:rifle.txt" line 239:
Expected ')', got ','.

Good karma+1 vote
TheGamingHeel - - 62 comments @ Brutal Wolfenstein UBER HERO Edition v1.0

Not gonna lie. I love the new weapon additions to this mode as well as the new Nazi variants. It helps enhance the brutal feel to the mod. ^^

Good karma+1 vote
TheGamingHeel - - 62 comments @ [Abandoned] Project Brutality 3.0 for Zandronum and FreedoomApp V1.0.2

Just wanted to let you know, the upgraded version of the Autoshotgun disappears when you alt fire. Also, in the Triple Minigun upgrade, when you use the alt fire to whirl up the gun and you switch weapons, the sound effects of the barrels rolling continues to play. Might wanna take a look at that. Overall, you're doing great. ^^

EDIT: Most of the alt weapons that uses a whirl up sound seems to have this trouble of looping even when switched to another weapon.

EDIT2: Can't seem to switch to the Hook mode. I am led to believe that it has not been implemented yet.

Good karma+2 votes
TheGamingHeel - - 62 comments @ Brutal Doom: Insanity Nightmares v0.7 (unfinished)

Just a little note. When you start the game with bare fists and you tried to pick up the Baretta, the gun WON'T be in your inventory at all. Just want to bring up that small bug.

Good karma+1 vote
TheGamingHeel - - 62 comments @ Brutal Doom: Insanity Nightmares v0.7 (unfinished)

BTW, what do the red souls you collect do? I know the other indicators but the souls I am still confused about.

Good karma+1 vote
TheGamingHeel - - 62 comments @ Brutal Doom: Insanity Nightmares v0.7 (unfinished)

You're welcome. ^^ I will be looking forward to your next version.

Good karma+1 vote
TheGamingHeel - - 62 comments @ Blue Nazis for Brutal Doom 21

Ah yes. Those screamers. Oh dear...

Good karma+1 vote