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Married, stay at home, self employed father of two. First computer was a Texas Instruments TI-99/4A. First gaming console was the Atari 2600. I've been gaming since pencils were hardware, character sheets were software, and your imagination was the display. I am a Browncoat. If you have to ask what that means, you need to go watch the whole Firefly series, followed by the film Serenity. (TEOTWAWKI = The End Of The World As We Know It)

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Is this thing on?

Interesting... a 300 character requirement for blog content or it won't let you post. For a gaming platform, that seems a little excessive, especially to someone that would rather write longer posts like that on my own blog. I also find it a little strange that there is no character counter ticking off the number of characters I've entered here so I know when I have reached the minimum number of characters to submit. Not sure I'll be using this much... time will tell...