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Half Stalin, half wolf.

Comment History  (0 - 30 of 129)
Stalinwolf - - 129 comments @ Trader Overhaul Complete 1.33 (1.51 & 1.52 Version)

My apologies if this has been answered somewhere, but I'm over 100 hours into my playthrough with Trader Overhaul installed. Running 1.5.1 and I don't intend on updating any time soon.
Boomsticks & Sharpsticks (to my understanding) can be installed mid-playthrough without issue, but I know Trader Overhaul requires a new game. However, since I'm already playing with the base version of Trader overhaul, if I were to install B&S and overwrite my files to install your B&S version of Trader Overhaul, would it still require a new game?

Good karma+1 vote
Stalinwolf - - 129 comments @ Soundscape Overhaul 3.0 for 1.5.1

This mod is absolutely incredible, and has honestly ruined so many other STALKER standalone mods for me. I tried to get into Radiophobia 3 (great mod so far) after playing Anomaly for months with Soundscape, but the lack of constant ambience and spatial sound made the experience feel awkward and a little artificial. You really made something special here. Your attention to fine detail like implementing a single trilling bird in the earliest hours of dawn is brilliant.

I know it's absurd to request such a thing, but if you ever want to improve or expand upon this, please consider making versions tailored to specific seasons. I know the Dead Zone option is good for winter, but I'd love to install an autumn version of Soundscape to go with my autumn texture pack. Rustling leaves, breaking sticks, rattling wind, more haunting/ghostly ambience, distant dogs and creepier nights. Something to really capture that lonely and isolating feeling of damp autumn nights.

At any rate, I thank you a thousand times over with or without expansions.

Good karma+1 vote
Stalinwolf - - 129 comments @ Golden Autumn Retexture Desaturated

Thank you! I've been experimenting on and off for two days now to give my game the appearance of very late summer/early autumn. All of the texture packs are either too colorful or too deep into autumn. This solution gave me the proper gradient of trees, while keeping summer grass.

I essentially just want to simulate the slow changing of seasons in this playthrough. I won't bore anyone with the exact lapse of in-game days I'm using, but I'm transitioning from:

Summer (default Anomaly)
Early Autumn(this mod w/o grass)
Mid Autumn (Simple Autumn Retexture Desaturated)
Late Autumn (Dark Autumn)
Early Winter (Simple Autumn Retexture No Leaves)
Then one of the winter/snow mods.

Just haven't figured out spring yet.

Good karma+1 vote
Stalinwolf - - 129 comments @ Anomaly Radio Extended - 1.5.2 (Full Version)

Your incredible mod not only enriched my experience, but also graced me with the absolute f***ing godsend that is Na Zare - Alyans. I stop and jam to it every time it comes on, and just now after several months took the time to find it what it was called.

Good karma+3 votes
Stalinwolf - - 129 comments @ [MCM][1.5.2]Inspect Weapon, and Inspect weapon for FireModeCheck

I appreciate you checking! At least I won't drive myself crazy now trying to get it working.

Good karma+1 vote
Stalinwolf - - 129 comments @ [MCM][1.5.2]Inspect Weapon, and Inspect weapon for FireModeCheck

No luck getting this working either. Shows up in MCM config, but can't actually execute the action. Tried it with my AK-103, Remington 870 and Beretta. :(

Good karma+1 vote
Stalinwolf - - 129 comments @ Kostov

Managed to recover this account again after some runaround. I'm still playing Anomaly regularly, and every time I see one of those axe descriptions you had me write, I regret missing out on the chance to translate a larger chunk of the game. Especially seeing how Last Day became a cornerstone for Anomaly. It's this tiny little pebble in a much larger road that I feel oddly proud to have contributed, as virtually insignificant as it is.

The new STALKER 2 trailer has me hyped for what's to come. What are you up to these days? Are you still involved in similar projects? Still stalking? Still putting your life and the lives of your family at risk for the sake of dubious profits?

Good karma+1 vote
Stalinwolf - - 129 comments @ Autumn Aurora 2

EDIT: After doing some more digging, I discovered that replacing/removing the files in 'gamedata/sounds/music' was not enough. If you navigate to 'gamedata/sounds/characters_voice', you'll find that there are additional "music" folders lying inside many of the folders here (ex: 'gamedata/sounds/characters_voice/human_01/stalker/music'). If an older post I found is correct, this is because there either used to be, or was going to be, faction-specific guitar tracks in AA2. Instead, there wound up being the same 11 tracks for every single type of NPC capable of playing a guitar. I had to replace all of the tracks in each of these music sub-folders, and now my stalkers in-game are playing the old tracks again. Deleting these music folders might also be possible, but I just wanted to cover all bases. If any AA2 players try this and need help, just comment here and I'll help you solve this issue and restore your old tracks again.


Has anyone figured out a way to restore the vanilla guitar tracks? I've replaced all of the .ogg files in sounds/music with their vanilla counterparts, but the stalkers in-game are still playing the new ones. It's not that the new music doesn't sound nice, but the tracks are far too talented and complex to be convincing, especially when every rookie in the Zone is playing like he's Esteban.

Good karma+1 vote
Stalinwolf - - 129 comments @ Kostov

Hope life is good, buddy. Just got back into STALKER again and I'm bummed to see that Last Day is dead. Moved on to Anomaly and I'm enjoying it so far. Was geeked to see a few of my translations survived.

Good karma+2 votes
Stalinwolf - - 129 comments @ NOMAD's ReShade V1

I'm really enjoying this with Last Day 1.2! Early mornings are so dark and gloomy. I appreciate your hard work.

Good karma+2 votes
Stalinwolf - - 129 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Last Day

The alignment (at least for me) has always been off center, so try dragging them to the spaces one or two rows directly beneath the weapons. Swiss knives work with small arms and the crowbar/hammer works with medium/large arms.

Always stash any weapons you want to hang onto in a stash before disassembling, though. The inaccuracy of it often scraps the weapons I want to hang onto, like my pistol.

Good karma+3 votes
Stalinwolf - - 129 comments @ TRX: Sounds Revamp (6.1)

I discovered your mod for the first time with the release of LD 1.2, and I became a big fan of yours instantly. Thank you for your continued releases.

Good karma+2 votes
Stalinwolf - - 129 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Last Day - version 1.2

This mod maintains the MISERY experience, but it's a different animal entirely. Rather than following a story narrative like MISERY, it's all 32 maps from all three STALKER games (plus a new one) instead, and gives you the freedom to start as, join, or leave any of the nine factions, do quests for them, patrol with them, scavenge, whatever your heart desires. Imagine that MISERY ends and your character remains in the Zone and every part of the Zone is now open for you to explore and continue living your life. That's Call of Misery: Last Day.

Good karma+5 votes
Stalinwolf - - 129 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Last Day

Ah, I hope this isn't a new bug because I went through a ton of headaches figuring out how to fix my Clear Sky issues in 1.1 as well. Eventually traced the problem back to Dynamic Faction Relations and had to unpack the database files for 1.0 and base CoM, replace some, and repack to finally sort it out. I haven't updated to 1.2 just yet, but I'm 600 rep into my Clear Sky play-through and I'll let you know if I experience the same problem after I do update.

I should note, however, that If you haven't manually installed Dynamic Faction Relations to 1.2, then by default it's disabled and the "300" listed on your PDA relations tab is static and won't actually change. In the meantime, just make sure that the character you're doing quests for is actually labeled "Clear Sky" and not "Trader". Traders stay at zero.

Good karma+1 vote
Stalinwolf - - 129 comments @ CoM + Last Day + AA2 HUD 2.3

I wound up using your HUD and it's a vast improvement. Thank you for putting the time into making it.

Good karma+4 votes
Stalinwolf - - 129 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Last Day

I've noticed that in this play-through (1.1) I'm no longer receiving any discounts even after raising my reputation to 600 with my faction, and being friendly with the Clear Sky trader (Spore). Has anyone else encountered this?

Also, the developer has shared that a new game will not be required for the upcoming release of 1.2! I don't know how soon we'll get an English release, though.

Good karma+2 votes
Stalinwolf - - 129 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Last Day

I'm assuming the durability remains equally random throughout.

Good karma+1 vote
Stalinwolf - - 129 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Last Day

Yeah, I hope it's added too. I know 1.2 is going to come with a tool to enable/disable pretty much every feature that comes with the mod, so that'll be neat.

I do play with increased recoil. I haven't had any difficulty with it on. I think it just makes guns kick a bit more. The Loot Condition, when off, allows equipment to drop in any condition. When on, you'll always find equipment in ****** shape early on, and as you rank up, you'll begin to find gear in much better condition.

I prefer it on to keep the early stages of the game miserable.

Good karma+1 vote
Stalinwolf - - 129 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Last Day

I feel you on the immersion, but I've gotten in the habit of "prepping" my playthroughs. For example, if I'm going to black road it as a stalker sneaking in for the first time, I'll start in Darkscape and sprint to the collapsed tunnel. Drop all my **** except for the knife, save in a dark corner, and then when I'm ready, I load up and save and pretend I started there by squeezing in through the rubble.

Good karma+3 votes
Stalinwolf - - 129 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Last Day

You begin with a wind-up flashlight which must be equipped in your detector slot and used with your detector hotkey. The headlamp must be purchased separately, which is why it only flashes and won't stay lit, if that's what you're referring to.

Good karma+1 vote
Stalinwolf - - 129 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Last Day

Yeah, I'm using Firefox. The following plugin will let you right click to translate the page you're on. There may be better ones out there, but I'm pretty happy with S3.


Chrome has its own built in by default, of course.

Good karma+1 vote
Stalinwolf - - 129 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Last Day

No problem, happy to help. It's worth mentioning though that no one involved with this English version are involved with Last Day's development. SashaRed is part of the English translation team only, and I'm not a member of either team. Just a friend of SashaRed's. Suggestions regarding the difficulty and other game mechanics can be directed to the actual Last Day developers here: Vk.com

Though be warned that the page is entirely in Russian. I use my browser to translate. I've reached out to him a couple of times and he usually responds within 24 hours.

Good luck!

Good karma+1 vote
Stalinwolf - - 129 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Last Day

This is the gamedata/configs/creatures folder pulled directly from Last Day 1.1's database. Any files you edit there can be dropped into the same folder in your game directory to overwrite the database ones.

In short, just edit what you want, save it, and then drop that edited file in your "Last Day 1.1/gamedata/configs/creatures" folder.

The only reason I included the entire "creatures" folder is because 'm_stalker.ltx' is present, but so are several other 'm_enemygoeshere.ltx" files. If you don't need any of the others, just edit the 'm_stalker.ltx' one and ignore the rest.

Good karma+1 vote
Stalinwolf - - 129 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Last Day

Hah, yeah, sorry about that. I found your files right after I replied so I tried to delete it.

Good karma+1 vote
Stalinwolf - - 129 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Last Day

Here you are, my dude.


Good karma+1 vote
Stalinwolf - - 129 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Last Day

This seems to be directly related to using on-board graphics or old/weak graphics cards. I don't understand why it happens, exactly, but that seems to be the pattern so far.

To my understanding, there is one confirmed workaround. From an old Misery thread:

"Its a bit old thread, but i answer for possible future problems for other peoples: If the inventory icons is messed up then the problem maybe is with your video card. If the card not supporting texture resolutions up to 4096x4096 then problems like this shows up. The only solution is upgrading your video card or resizing the ui_icon_equipment.dds file with the suited programs"

"Oh my God!!!! at last i have got the reason and the solution of the inventory icon bug.... it is really working.... the actual reason wasn't any kinds of bug... it is because of low resulation.... the "ui icon equipment.dds" file of misery 2 is for large resulation.... but i was testing to re program the dds file by adding new equipment and weapon's icons in the dds file of misery 1... it really worked... i almost have done the editing... after i'm fully done, i'll post.... "

But he never followed up, naturally. See the full thread here: Moddb.com

Good karma+1 vote
Stalinwolf - - 129 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Last Day

I also had to disable them. The sound of them is incredibly immersive early on, but I have the tendency to play characters who "sneak into the Zone", and any time I try to do it from the Southern Checkpoint (Cordon), even if I fully evade the soldiers, the helicopter seems to be psychic and ruins it for me. Within the first day the soldiers wind up slaughtering the rookie camp.

Good karma+1 vote
Stalinwolf - - 129 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Last Day

Shoot. I started with 0.5 NPCs and 0.25 mutants. I haven't actually left the Great Swamp yet. If I change these values now, do you think they'll work on the maps I haven't visited yet, or is it all per-determined now?

Good karma+1 vote
Stalinwolf - - 129 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Last Day

Yeah, DFR was added with 1.1 but doesn't appear to be listed as a feature. Russian developer is releasing a program with 1.2 that will let you toggle most of the features on and off. Not sure if it will get an English translation or not but hopefully.

I'm just really hoping the release of 1.2 is soon.

Good karma+1 vote
Stalinwolf - - 129 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Last Day

Right you are, dude. It's like the fourth addition to the series.

Good karma+2 votes