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Born, raised and schooled in the CzechoSlovak Socialist Republic - the Land of certain restrictions and high order, but of quality, calm, healthy life and healthy food. The end of CSSR came, when our people traded guaranteed, work, pay and pensions for nothing but western dreams, empty promises, lies and desperate hope.

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The War Business

Slavian Blog

Zašto hočet Amerika vojny v Evropě.

Jako juž mnogy znajut, za vsjem jesom groše. Najbolšim problemom dlja Ameriki jest ich dlug. Pozrite sje jako izrasta ich dlug na tejto stranici Usdebtclock.org Dlug izrasta bliže 1 bilionu dolarev v den. Ich dlug jest nemožlivo splatiti poctivou robotou.

V nizu na grafje jest vidno amerikansky dlug od godu 1940. Jest znamo, što Amerika vchodila vo vojne v godu 1941. Po totem godu ich dlug prudko vzrastnul, bo bylo potrebno žičiti grošev dlja vojny. Črez vojne byla vojenna technika dodavana tože Angliji i jinym zemjam. Vsej amerikansky prěmysel byl nastavjon na produkciju oružija i vojennych mašin.
Po godu 1945 načnul dlug klesati/padati - produkcija vojennoj techniky byla znižona i Amerika načala vypuskati tovar potrebny dlja obnovlenija Evropy, i tak načala zarabotavati grošev. Anglija tože načala platiti Amerike za vojennu techniku iz vojny.

Hladna/Zimna Vojna prinosila tože mnogo grošev dlja Ameriky. Pregnany/amplifikovany strach/groza iz Sovětskogo Sojuza sposobil, što "sprijatelene" zemje Ameriki pokupili od USA ješte bolje vojennej techniky dlja oborony pred SSSR.Dlug pošjol v dol bystro i v Amerike načali mysliti, što dlug pojde uže tolko v nizu i nikogda v guru - oni načali žiti dlja totej teorije, načali radovati sobě i pokupali tako vjeci, ktore nebyli potrebne dlja žizni, tolko pobaviti sebja. Oni živut tak do dnešnogo dnja.
Gosudarstvo Ameriky načinalo vojny po celem světe, dodavalo svojo oružije i zarabotavalo grošev. Vsjo javilos mnogo dobro dlja Ameriky, godnost dolara pošla v gur i ekonomija rabotala jako nikogda pred tym.

V godu 1981 dlug načal stupati v gur iznovo. Amerika platila za mnogo političeskych i vojennych prevratuv raznych gosudarstev. Ljudi v Amerike žili konzumnym sposobom, nebylo grošev v bankach, oni neukladali grošev - Amerika načala naberati grošev od jinych gosudarstev. Po rozvale SSSR vzyšol dlug na gur ješte bolje - gosudarstva ustali pokupati amerikanskogo oružija - SSSR uže nebylo.
Po dobu šesti lět, jim udalo se ne mnogo dlugu obnižiti, nu ich vnutrenne problemy neustali i dluh načal isti do gury iznova. Dnes jest ich dlug bolje, čem dlug v godu 1945/46 - vělikej vojny ve světe nejest, jest problem zarabotat mnogo grošev na vyplatenije dlugu. Ich plan jest sostrojiti vojne v Evropě i zarabotat mnogo grošev iznova.
Zato se u nas djeje to, co vsje vidate. Zato nam Slavjenom jest potrebno sovezati se i poslati Ameriku i jej boljego druga EU do domu.

Slavic Unity

Slavian Blog 1 comment

It's about time for the Slavs to realize that they are being played by the Western Powers. We are being played since the Roman Empire. Does anyone realize that? They always feared our Unity that's why they are setting us one against another. This is the pattern for the past 1300 years. Are the Slavs so dumb, not to see this?

When are you going to resist those national feelings and the "need for independece" which is encouraged by the West? When are you going to wake up?
You are all independent now from one another with the "HELP" from the West, but became dependent on the West instead. Don't you see that?

The West is now setting up corporations in Slavic lands to benefit themselves. You are the "cheap workforce" and they are the ones making the profits. In some instances, you also supply the natural resources, then you manufacture the product, but they sell it and profit out of it.

That's why they needed you to break apart and open up to the Western "business" so they can take advantage of you!

Why are you still listening to their lies and hate each other? You hate your own blood, your own brothers and sisters.

This GAME must stop !!!