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Hi everyone, you’re a hacker game, I like to create Mods for android and pc, modding is my hobby, I recently got into development as I do without root rights, it was difficult for me to create some kind of game modifications for example: rusted warfare, minecraft , terraria, etc. I’ve been doing fashion all day, and I want you to support my account and write me the best greetings, thank you for rating me, I will be very grateful to you.

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The Escapists



Вдруг кто-то попал сюда ни один зэк не смог бы пережить жесткие условие, однако есть...

The Escapists



This is a mod map for The Escapists. It is a reinforced prison camp with an electric fence, concrete foundations and a minefield. the guards of the prison...




The mod adds 6 sets of armor, 12 unusual ores, 11 amulets, 21 books, 22 components, 4 unusual ingots, etc. new plant structure, new mobs drops, new recipes...

Voltrex Warfare
Rusted Warfare

Voltrex Warfare

Combat Sim

This rusted warfare mod will add a mood where you can upgrade the building to t4, build new cars and also go through the most difficult mission.