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Hey all! Im Mike I have been developing games since high school starting with good ole GameMaker. Once I starting college going for CS I continued onto creating games in whatever language we were using for class. All in all I would save I have made 10 games and god knows how many idea prototypes and tutorial projects. However none of those ever left the house. Until my senior year at Stony Brook. When me and a few friends developed an idea I had. That idea became Paddle Baddle. We entered it in the Stony Brook Game Contest and took first prize. That was the day Onslaught Studios was born. My official title became the everything except art guy. We have since release Paddle Baddle on XBLIG and are well into our next project "Bombo Goes Nuts" When I'm not writing code/designing/play testing/doing business like thing, I like to pick up my guitar and play a bit of music.

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Unity Games

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For all Unity developers and developers-to-be, both beginners and professionals!

Onslaught Studios

Onslaught Studios

2 members Developer

We are an Indie game studio who has just started. We have a bunch of awesome idea for new games and are driven to build them into great games. Out first...