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Cyberpunk, Ghost in the Shell and S.T.A.L.K.E.R. are some of my favorite things. Gamer since '89 & PC Gamer since '94.

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Natural Selection 2

Game review

A fantastic team based FPS/RTS that relies heavily on teamwork and coordination. This game is a must have for fans of either genre. Pinning Marines vs Aliens 1 player on each side can assume the role of Commander. Having a top down view of entire map they can drop supplies, give intel on enemy locations, manage resources spent for team upgrades and hopefully lead their teammates to victory. Eliminate the opposing team's primary control structure and your team wins. This game is not about who has best k/d ratios at the end of round, but what team can communicate and execute the best. In game voip makes talking to your teammates and commander easy. Dev updates + many mods already released and many more to come on Steam Workshop will keep NS2 alive for many years to come.