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I'm a guy who likes to mod the ever-living existence out of anything that can play on my computer. Lead Developer of Cerebral Cascade.

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Just made a twitter for community conversation

Musketmarine Blog

I made a twitter to better communicate with the Hidden Allegiances community, it's located here: Twitter.com

Alternatively I can be contacted on discord at Musketmarine#0620

I am returning to ModDB

Musketmarine Blog 2 comments

However, i'm sad to announce the end of the Warstarian Mod, a former project for StarCraft 2 that eventually just lost my interest, as I disliked Blizzard Entertainment's modding policies. So I have moved to greener pastures.

I ask that anyone who was a fan of the Warstarian Mod to avoid recreating the mod, as I have future intentions to make a legitimate video game in the future using the Warstarian name as a faction in it, and I don't want the moneyhounds at Activision to come sniffing for their money because I decided to use something conspicuously named after something I had in a mod for one of their games.

Although i'm not against people simply renaming the faction altogether and continuing from where I left off.

I thank a fellow named Cyber Lord for my comeback, as without him, I would have never considered coming back here. He's inspired me to get back into modding games, and even begin voice-acting.

Warstarian Mod Stuff

Musketmarine Blog

Screenshot2016 01 16 12 27 48

And so far this is what the Warstarian Arsenal consists of...

This is my ModDB

Musketmarine Blog

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And this is a picture.