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My name is Matt (Obviously.) I'm interested into all sorts of art and music, making games\mods, and playing games. (I'm still working on the "making games" part.) Some PC games I own: MINECRAFT (I play this 90% of the time); Half Life 1, 2, Ep1, & Ep2; Call of Duty 1, 2, 4, UO, & WaW; Team Fortress 2; Portal; Left 4 Dead; Alien Swarm; and Garry's Mod

RSS Reviews


Game review

This is my first review, so I'll try my best.

Minecraft is an amazing game. There's no real way to truly describe it. On a simple level, all you do is place blocks and punch stuff. On a complex level, the game (as it is currently 3.6.11) is about... well, actually, read the simple description above.

But, I'm definitely not bashing on this game. I play it every chance I get. The simple block-y style of the game looks great; I can't imagine someone calling it ugly looking (even though i hear that rather often), or boring. If you think this game is boring, just go back to playing a game with no single-player plot whatsoever (call of duty.) And if you want a linear plot, play Half Life. (I like both games, just not call of duty's single-player campaign. Too many explosions and arcade-y action hero moments. The multi-player is great, though. Unbalanced at times, but otherwise great.)

Technically Minecraft doesn't have a plot. You can do anything you want. You make your own plot. You live day by day, and hope that that creeper over there doesn't notice you and blow up that log cabin that took forever for you to build.

Anyway, back on track, Minecraft's battles are fun and balanced, the enemies are all unique, and building is extremely satisfying. Mining and exploring are also exciting. Multi-player is, when you find a good server, pure gold.

It doesn't matter what types of games you like. Minecraft is for everyone, because you can do basically everything. The game, by design, is extremely vast. Getting bored with your world? Blow up your castle with TNT and then build something new! Want to explore? Build a Nether portal, and while in hell, travel westward or eastward or northward or whateverward for 10 minutes straight, and then build another portal back. New lands!

The only problem I have with the game are the constant crashes and bugs. Nether portal duplication, fences disappearing, entire 16x16 chunks of land ceasing to exist, whatever. But Minecraft is in Beta.


Adam's Venture: The Search for the Lost Garden

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