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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 71)
maroon83 - - 71 comments @ Whats Next?

Is the redirect still up?

Good karma+1 vote
maroon83 - - 71 comments @ Stargate - Empire at War: Pegasus Chronicles

Interesting question tough.
You won't need the latest HighEnd hardware. Promise.
But as you implied RAM & video memory will do very good :-)
You may give me a short sum of your system and I'll give my guess.

Good karma+1 vote
maroon83 - - 71 comments @ Stargate - Empire at War: Pegasus Chronicles

No comment on this dips***. He trolls every couple of days with his stupid pubertal whining. If you like, report him as his profile looks faky, too.
But one for the way: No Achilles, no Destiny. Never.

Good karma+1 vote
maroon83 - - 71 comments @ BC-304 (new 3d & texture)

Yes and no. BC-304 is the type, just like the "Los Angeles" class submarines.
Btw the BC stands for "Battle Cruiser". It is just the same at the F-302, the F stands for Fighter.
Besides this the X at the X-301 / X-303 is an American "tradition" of naming test planes with an X (like the X-35 is the prototype of the F-35 Lightning.

Keep up the good work, I really like it.

Good karma+3 votes
maroon83 - - 71 comments @ Stargate - Empire at War: Pegasus Chronicles

It will be BIG. However it wont be a standalone version. You'll need the Original game.

Good karma+1 vote
maroon83 - - 71 comments @ July News

Oh mein Gott...jetzt widersprichst du dir schon wieder. Zuerst war es eine Meinungsäußerung jetzt jetzt ist es ne Wiederholung. *lol*
Auch wenn man die Meinung eines anderen wiederholt muss man wohl drauf klarkommen, dass man seine Aussagen erläutert. Ist das dein Zweitaccount oder warum fühlst du dich schon wieder angesprochen?

Good karma0 votes
maroon83 - - 71 comments @ July News

Du scheinst es immer noch nicht begriffen zu haben. Wenn mich jemand als selbstgerecht und sarkastisch bezeichnet, dann ist es mein gutes Recht, die Beweggründe hierfür zu erfahren. Das ganze hat nicht den Furz mit Meinungsfreiheit zu tun, eher mit Nachrede.

Komm du mir nicht mit "Text verstehen" du widersprichst deinen eigenen Aussagen doch mindestens 2x täglich.

Darüber hinaus war der Post nicht an dich gerichtet.

Good karma0 votes
maroon83 - - 71 comments @ July News

@ anon:
Der Kommentar zeigt mal, wieviel Ahnung du von der Theamtik hast.
Es geht nicht um lila Schiffe, es geht auch nicht um die aus der Serie nachgebauten, sondern um ein Design das von uns entwickelt wurde und hier 1:1 kopiert wurde.
Erklär mir mal was hier der Sarkasmus ist.

Good karma0 votes
maroon83 - - 71 comments @ Stargate Galaxy at War

Woher ich wissen will wie einer schreibt? na vielleicht hier:
NicolasRush Aug 4 2011, 5:54pm
"Mit freundlichen Grüßen Ahmed Cengiz (Screammind Vorstand)"
Ich will hier niemanden irgendwo reinziehen. Das war eine ganz simple Frage. DU erzählst doch immer, dass die Screammind ein "Dienstleistungsunternhemen" war/ist. Das ist per definitionem eine Unternehmung zur Kapitalmaximierung. Steht das nicht im Widerspruch zu non-profit, oder liege ich da falsch?

Meiner Meinung nach hat das nichts mit professionell oder nicht zu tun, viel mehr mit Fairness und Anstand.
Dass du dich an keinerlei Moral gebunden fühlst tut mir widerum leid für dich, was denkst du denn wie weit du mit dieser Einstellung kommen wirst?

Allerdings, dass "dich die Meinung anderer nicht juckt" seh ich auch. Deswegen ist auch der peinliche Schreibfehler im header - auf den ich dich hingewiesen hatte, nachdem Du um Hilfe bei der Übersetzung gefragt hattest - immer noch drin^^
Junge! - solang dein Alter solche Sprünge macht bleib ich beim "Junge". Man weiss ja nie^^

Good karma0 votes
maroon83 - - 71 comments @ Stargate Galaxy at War

Junge du gibst es ja mittlerweile selbst zu:

"sicher könnten wir eigene ideen enwickeln wenn man nett fragt"
Also müssen wir euch (DICH) nett bitten, dass du dir selbst was ausdenkst? Das kann doch echt nicht dein Ernst sein.

Dein Vorwurf wir würde dir hier aus Neid an den Karren fahren ist ja wohl mehr als lächerlich. Erinnere dich mal an den Anfang "deiner" MOD, da hat dir keiner Steine in den Weg gelegt, ganz im Gegenteil.

Es geht hier auch nicht um Ruhm oder die Größe der Community wie du meinst. Falls du es noch nicht mitbekommen haben solltest, wir verdienen keinen Cent an der Mod.

Was aber überhaupt gar nicht geht ist dein "kreatives Verhältnis" zu Realität. Junge! Wenn sogar deine ehemaligen Teamkollegen aussteigen und die Vorwürfe dir gegenüber bestätigen und du dein Verhalten immer noch nicht einsiehst tut's mir mal herzlich leid für dich.

btw: Wie kommt es eigentlich, dass alle "Screamminder" die gleiche grottenschlechte Rechtschreibung wie du haben?
edit: Wieso gibt's keinen Handelsregister / IHK Eintrag zu screammind?

Good karma+2 votes
maroon83 - - 71 comments @ Stargate - Empire at War: Pegasus Chronicles

Thank you so much guys. These were some of the mose substantial and motivating posts I've read here for a long time^^

I can only speak for myself, but however you don't even have to be grateful. I'm happy if someone plays it and actually enjoys the product of our work. However I wouldn't feel happy to release it prematurelly because right now I wouldn't enjoy it playing.

Good karma+1 vote
maroon83 - - 71 comments @ Magic The Gathering...

Great work Spino, showed it to a friend of mine who is very into Magic: He loved it ;-) BUT: The GF link to the archive seems to be down.

Good karma+1 vote
maroon83 - - 71 comments @ Stargate Empire at War Beta 1 [EaW ONLY]

Kaufen? Saturn € 10, MediaMarkt € 9, Steam $ 5....

Good karma0 votes
maroon83 - - 71 comments @ Stargate - Empire at War: Pegasus Chronicles

You simply wont get it huh?
Check the downloads dude. It doesnt matter if the last release was for EaW.
Why should it? You mentioned that the players would be OK with some bugs. In fact they arent. What's your point in this discussion? You pop up every couple of days to troll but I really miss the reasons.

Why dont you just get a job and PAY for the games u want.
Seriously: Do u also **** of the guys at Blizzard every second day like this: "Mommy I want Diablo III, when are they done. I wont eat my vegetables untill they give some screens...and a video ..."?

Come on dude. Get a life or at least annoy somebody else.
BTW: You really didnt got my last post so let me formulate:
Dont't act like a spoiled little child! Take it or leave it. Noone forces you to wait for TPC. Feel free to play other mods like SGI, we wont blame you ;-)

Good karma+1 vote
maroon83 - - 71 comments @ Stargate - Empire at War: Pegasus Chronicles

City Ships like Atlantis will NEVER take the role of a warship. NEVER.

Good karma+1 vote
maroon83 - - 71 comments @ Stargate - Empire at War: Pegasus Chronicles

Thats the reason why they are still WIP ;-)
No seriously, considering the ground part there is already a big amount of work done but unfortunately still much to do.
As u said: It shall look a lot better than the 1.X ;-)

Good karma+1 vote
maroon83 - - 71 comments @ Stargate - Empire at War: Pegasus Chronicles

So you funny guy once again:
You stated your opinion more than once. That's okay, I got it.
But at any point in time YOU will have to accept, that we will release both, the mod and any information on it at the time WE choose.
You keep on whining "..I`ve bee waiting so long...". Seriously it's all your decision, but what do you think your whining and complaints will achieve? Make me quit my job, leave my friends so that YOU may get the mod a bit faster?
We released the last mod with some bugs and hey surprise YOU maybe don't care about them but a lot of people do.
FYI: Guys in the late teens... U're so funny, if u are really 52 than behave according to your age and not like a bored disappointed kid brawling for attention.

Good karma+6 votes
maroon83 - - 71 comments @ Stargate - Empire at War: Pegasus Chronicles

@ Stargate_Fan: (once again)....
So where's the thing, u come every couple weeks with this lame question.
I'm quite sick of answering it to you and my mates too, I assume.
Why don't u just read one of the 2 dozen answers the team and other people gave u already?

Good karma+1 vote
maroon83 - - 71 comments @ Stargate - Empire at War: Pegasus Chronicles

Ehm...they ALL should have sounds^^
error occurs @which version?

Good karma+1 vote
maroon83 - - 71 comments @ Stargate - Empire at War: Pegasus Chronicles

@ mikey1871: EPIC FAIL through your whole post. What is your point of asserting claims? Seriously we dont't HAVE to release anything at all. This whole mod consumes the majority of our free time, besides we still got jobs. So next time a bit less outrageous.

Good karma+2 votes
maroon83 - - 71 comments @ Stargate Total Conversion II

Obviously not...it's the Source Engine^^
@Sanguinus: Ever heard 'bout google translate?

Good karma+3 votes
maroon83 - - 71 comments @ Stargate - Empire at War: Pegasus Chronicles

Of course there was an English version...dude!

Good karma+1 vote
maroon83 - - 71 comments @ Stargate - Empire at War: Pegasus Chronicles

On my end the DL is working. You may also try Stargate-eaw.de as another Dl source.

Good karma+2 votes
maroon83 - - 71 comments @ Stargate Galaxy at War

And what excatly is the stuff they have already done? Seriously...

Good karma+2 votes
maroon83 - - 71 comments @ EAW Modding Pack

In fact they aren't new. The pack contains the AloViewer, StringEditor, DatEditor and the MEGExtractor.
Not new, however must have tools for EaW (if u don't already have them^^)

Good karma+1 vote
maroon83 - - 71 comments @ Stargate Modding Group

Check mal das Installations Tutorial:

Good karma+1 vote
maroon83 - - 71 comments @ Tiberian Conquest

Nice work. If u need any advice in topographical maps feel free to contact me.

Good karma+3 votes